Research Says iPhone Sales Hurt Not Help Carriers?


It appears all those heavy subsidies shelled out by Carriers around the world for the Apple iPhone haven’t made a dent to increase their respective profits. The Telecom’s thought that carrying the iPhone would lure consumers in with more expensive data plans but the carriers have not seen the results that AT&T has with the device.

“According to the research we have conducted on the operators, not one of these have increased their market share, revenue, or their earnings as a result of introducing the iPhone,” Strand Consult says in the report. Certain carriers even sent out low profit margin warnings  due to the iPhone sales model.

Our Story: iProfit, the iPhone Money Making Machine gave us a glimpse into the estimated profits Apple has made from iPhone sales, even though it was a smaller player compared to the other makers.

About Tony P
Connoisseur of all that is Mobile Tech.

2 Responses to Research Says iPhone Sales Hurt Not Help Carriers?

  1. k-rad says:

    even AT&T took somewhat of a hit, but it was more on their landline business. iPhone has helped AT&T charge more money for the iPhone Data plan, same as blackberry has been doing for years.

  2. Palm Guy says:

    I feel AT&T received a bad name from network problems possibly caused by the iPhone. Apple sold millions, AT&T was/is laugh at(SNL-although mentioned iPhone, it will be AT&T that will get the bad rep).

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