Windows Mobile 7 UX prototyping caught in the wild

Stephen on MSFTKitchen found some interesting yet sweet info about Windows Mobile 7’s UX Flow prototyping. He ran across a profile on a social network and decided to peruse the guy’s personal website and found the following in his portfolio:

“NDA dictates I keep this vague. For a leading cell platform I created UX flows of common controls and usages. After client review I created flash demos. Those demo’s were then reviewed and passed on to SectionSeven development to create interactive prototypes. This process allowed for very efficient UX development. Nothing really exciting, but you just had your daily does of WM7 news, so don’t complain!

With all the talk around the interwebs regarding a possible Project Pink Zune (not branded, but running a Zune-Phone-like OS), we can only make an assumption that Microsoft has something huge planned for the MWC or thereafter.

About Tony P
Connoisseur of all that is Mobile Tech.

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