Godfather of Linux, Torvalds owns a Nexus One

Linus Torvalds, founder of the Linux kernal (godfather) and current Linux project coordinator, is a proud owner of the Nexus One.

On his blog post, Linus tells us his thoughts of the new Google handset and how he enjoys it in his day to day use:

“But I have to admit, the Nexus One is a winner. I wasn’t enthusiastic about buying a phone on the internet sight unseen, but the day it was reported that it finally had the pinch-to-zoom thing enabled, I decided to take the plunge. I’ve wanted to have a GPS unit for my car anyway, and I thought that google navigation might finally make a phone useful.

And it does. What a difference! I no longer feel like I’m dragging a phone with me “just in case” I would need to get in touch with somebody – now I’m having a useful (and admittedly pretty good-looking) gadget instead. The fact that you can use it as a phone too is kind of secondary.”

[via Torvalds Family blog]

About Tony P
Connoisseur of all that is Mobile Tech.

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