The Pharos 565 – For the construction worker in you


We’ve all done it.  You reach in your pocket, looking for that last nickel to pay the ancient taco truck chef, pull out your hand violently at the realization that your search was in vain only to send your brand new Nexus One crashing to the concrete!  You shriek, but it’s far too late, and you’re ar to clumsy; your phone has become Newton’s apple – history (Also a gravity pun!).  My friend, you are in luck!  No longer will you have to decide between rent and this month’s replacement phone, as the Pharos 565 is here!  Built to last, the 565 is as rugged as smartphones come, and it sports some respectable specifications to boot.  Under the hood, it’s equipped with a Marvell processor running at 624MHz, an average 256MB of RAM, 512MB of flash memory for storage, and a 3.5″ screen.  Unfortunately, it ships with the substantially outdated Windows Mobile 6.5, with no word of Windows ‘Phone’ 7 support.

2 Responses to The Pharos 565 – For the construction worker in you

  1. Pingback: The Pharos 565 – For the construction worker in you « FoneFrenzy … | Drakz Free Online Service

  2. Catharine Wiss says:

    I would like to share it with all my friends and hope they will like it too.

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