Sick of your Nokia N900 Boot Video? Hack that puppy and upload your own!

The guys over at Maemo Arena have posted some juicy stuff that doesn’t require a Masters in Computer Science to implement on your Nokia N900. Since the Nokia N900 is open to just about anything you can throw at it, the Maemo OS is ripe for some interesting customizing. Hit the link for video and instructions.

Stobbsc from NomadsNirava has released a easy tutorial to walk you through the entire process (Videos below):

Firstly you will need to download your .avi file to your Documents folder.

You will then need to download a default.conf file to the same location.

Now the most important thing to remember for those that don’t understand the file system for maemo, is that this code will work if and only if you have saved the above documents to your Documents folder.(NOTE NOT your MyDocs folder)

sudo gainroot
mv /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/default.conf /etc/hildon-welcome.d/
mv /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/myboot.avi /opt/
cd /usr/share/hildon-welcome/media/
ln -s /opt/myboot.avi myboot.avi

In the above code I have called my video myboot.avi, which means that the default.conf file needs have the same name for the AVI inside, for example my conf file looks like this:



I have noticed that some people have add issues with the above x-term code at the stage of the first mv(move command). If you have a problem try do a copy instead. Note this will mean that you default.conf file will still be found in your Documents folder after the code is run:

sudo gainroot
cp /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/default.conf /etc/hildon-welcome.d/
mv /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/myboot.avi /opt/
cd /usr/share/hildon-welcome/media/
ln -s /opt/myboot.avi myboot.avi


[via Maemo Arena]

About Tony P
Connoisseur of all that is Mobile Tech.

5 Responses to Sick of your Nokia N900 Boot Video? Hack that puppy and upload your own!

  1. Pingback: Mobiele Telefoons » Sick of your Nokia N900 Boot Video? Hack that puppy and upload your own!

  2. Pingback: Mobiele Telefoons » RT @FoneFrenzy: Sick of your Nokia N900 Boot Video? Hack that puppy and upload your …

  3. Pingback: Sick of your Nokia N900 Boot Video? Hack that puppy and upload … | Drakz upload Online Service

  4. D-liteness says:

    Can I make my own video and do the same thing?

  5. George F. Tyson says:

    Looks good.

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