UK Motorola Milestone 2.0.1 OTA update available now!

Keeping their promise, Motorola has released an over the air update for the Milestone in its French, German, and Italian markets.  While it isn’t the 2.1 update that everyone’s waiting for, it’s definitely a step in the right direction and it shows Motorola’s new found dedication to priority updating after the Droid 2.1 fiasco.  Read below for what Motorola had to say about the update on their official Facebook page.

“To all UK Milestone users, the OTA server is up and you can now install the Android 2.0.1 update on your device – simply go to ‘Settings’ then select ‘System Updates.’ If you’re in France, Germany or Italy and haven’t updated your Milestone yet, you can also install it via OTA…”

Still no word from Motorola regarding an official date for the 2.1 OTA update, but it looks as though things are looking up.

[tweetmeme source=”fonefrenzy”

One Response to UK Motorola Milestone 2.0.1 OTA update available now!

  1. handy tests says:

    I was thinking of buying an Motorola milestone. After reading this article, I will buy one quite soon.

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