A WebOS device coming to T-Mobile?

Palm is working very hard to claw its way back to the top of the smart phone game. They had a slow start with their Sprint exclusive agreement, but it seems they aren’t taking anymore chances. They are now on Sprint and Verizon, and should be on AT&T in the first half of 2010. BGR is claiming they have an inside source that tells them T-Mobile is ramping up it’s launch plans for their first WebOS device. Their source says the first device is going to be a Pixi or Pixi-like device rather than the flagship Palm Pre we are seeing launch on the other carriers. This is exactly what Palm needs and they need it fast. Even though their product is slowly catching on, having it on Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile all at the same time will give them an opportunity to reach out to every potential smart phone buyer in the States. This also could be the first smart phone to be a real challenger to the OS that is is dominant on T-Mobile right now which is Android. iPhone is still locked to AT&T giving WebOS a chance to thrive on other carriers.

[Via Boy Genius Report]

About Daniel Rodriguez
I am 22 years old, I am a little bit new to writing but I love it and I am addicted to gadgets, whether it be Phones, PC's, OS's. Software. I love it all!

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