Canada’s WIND Mobile will pay you to break your carrier contract

Not wanting to be like other carriers, CBC News is reporting Canada’s WIND Mobile is going to offer new customers $150, distributed over five months in $30 installments, if customers cancel an existing contract with Bell, Rogers, Telus or any of those companies’ discount brands. Hit the link for more info.

This move is a plan to induce customers to get out of their sometimes as long as three years, contracts with the major Canadian carriers. The goal of this promotion is not only to gain new business but you help customers avoid eating those often hefty early cancellation fees (ECF).

Iain Grant, president of the SeaBoard Group telecommunications consultancy said:

“Given that [about] 80 per cent of wireless Canadians have a contract, and given that those contracts are two to three years, it would follow that only [around] one-third would be ‘available’ in any given year. It does boost cost of [customer] acquisition, but it captures the moral high ground and that should play well with the disaffected wireless masses.”

“The reality is that most cellphone user contracts do provide a mechanism to allow a consumer to get out of a contract and pay a penalty,” he said. “All Wind is doing here is helping someone to do that.”
Now we wonder which American company will be the first do employ such a tactic?
Don’t you hear the Wind Of Change? I do.
source CBC News
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About Tony P
Connoisseur of all that is Mobile Tech.

One Response to Canada’s WIND Mobile will pay you to break your carrier contract

  1. Jacobian says:

    Rogers can kiss my ass now. Bye guys!

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