Microsoft’s full 3D gaming is good to go with XNA games running on Windows Phone 7 = Game On!

Game On! That’s right. Microsoft is not holding back but instead SETTING the rules for cell phone gaming and the future of it is near. Engadget reports:

There is no fast track for porting OpenGL games to the Direct3D environment, but that’s not stopping regular suspects like Oberon, Sega, Glu, EA, Popcap, Hudson Entertainment, Namco, Konami and Microsoft Game Studios from signing on.

But hey, anything Redmond can bring ala Xbox is fine with us (and a few million other gamers as well).  And remember, we own a gazillion gaming patents. Don’t forget! Apple, can you hear us now? I bet you can.

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Social Networks Are Dreams That Are Made of

The video speaks for itself….check it out.

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Google Earth on Android 2.1

So Google earth hit the Android Market a few days ago. It is available for free in the Android 2.1 market only. The app is pretty straight forward and similar its iPhone counter part. Performance wise it seems to actually struggle a bit compared to the iPhone version in my experience, though both are very close. The feature set is just about identical to that of the iPhone so if you are an Android lover you finally have your Google Earth. Though with the newest version of Google’s Maps, Google Earth feels a lot less appealing to me. Anyway we have some video for you to enjoy, a simple walk through of Google Earth in the Android Market. It is available only for Android 2.1 devices (Nexus One). Hopefully the Droid and others will receive their juicy Android 2.1 update soon so they can join in on the party.

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Multi-Touch keyboard on Android 2.1

There have been arguments back and forth, left and right, and all over the place about multi-touch keyboards and their implementation or lack there of on Android handsets. As we all know now Google decided to put some native multi-touch support on their new Nexus One just a few weeks ago. There is now a pinch and zoom gesture in the Maps, Gallery, and Browser applications. We expect this to ring true on the Droid very soon. Where the question lies is in the keyboard. Joshua Topolsky of Engadget asked the project leader of the Android team numerous times why multi-touch isn’t being implemented and he actually argued that the keyboard does have multi-touch. So I put it through some tests to see what I can find.

Prior to Android 2.1 there is no multi-touch on Android keyboards no matter how you look at it. If you want to type without errors than after each letter you press you have to lift your finger completely off the screen before putting your other finger down on the screen to press the next letter. The Android 2.1 keyboard mechanics are a bit different. If you put a second finger on the keyboard before lifting the first, the letter that was being pressed by the first finger will pop up in the text field and the letter your now pushing with your second finger is being highlighted. This is actually a subtle but huge difference when typing quickly on the touchscreen keyboard. You can type much faster without worrying about the keyboard not picking up the letter you were just tapping because you put your second finger down to fast. Just describing this doesn’t help so much in text so I have put together a short video for you. I hope you enjoy!

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