GrandMasterPixel: An Android App review

This isn’t so much a review as my attempt to get the word out about this little gem.  So, I found myself sitting in the man-cave, stoned and sucked into the Android Marketplace as I’m known to do, and on a whim I downloaded a game called GrandMasterPixel by OMGWTFGAMES!!1! (because of the awesome dev name).  The game’s description on the Marketplace is as follows;

Unleash your creative spark in this social pixel-art game.  Draw a pic, submit it to the Arena to compete.  Judge pic battles – see what others have created!  More successful pic = more colors for your palette.

Social pixel art based picture battles on your phone, the ultimate time killer.  The game play is simple, you start with two colors, black and white, and are given 10 Judging tokens.  Judging tokens are used to participate in the heads-up picture battles, subsequently giving you Submission credits that you use to submit your own pictures for judgement.  After your picture has been submitted, others will vote on your submissions up against artwork from competitors.  The more wins you get, the more colors you unlock.  Rinse, wash, repeat.

So, get out there!  Download the application, and join the Arena.  You’d be amazed on what you can come up with when put to the test.  Or, at the very least, smoke a bowl and give it a shot.

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