Breaking news: Nintendo announces “3DS”, Glasses-free 3D handheld

Just a concept(I think, ask Engadget).

Whoa!  Didn’t see that one coming!  Nintendo has just tossed the world a few nibbles regarding its handheld gaming successor to the DS and the DSi, the Nintendo “3DS”, at a small press conference in Japan.  Mum’s the word on all the details, but the little information we have makes my fingertips tingle with naughty excitement; Glasses-less 3D display and it’ll use a “compatible cart” meaning hours of nostalgic gaming pleasure.

Wrap your head around that for just a second.  Nintendo’s next-gen portable gaming system is going to have a friggin’ 3D display!  Nintendo stated that the world can expect a full unveiling at this year’s E3 2010 this June, and a possible release “during the fiscal year ending March 2011”.  The possibilities are exciting, make sure to check back now and again for more information regarding the “3DS”.

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