WebOS 1.4 Changelog leaked, Video capture, Flash, and bug fixes all included

WebOS 1.4 is supposed to be released this month. Palm stated at CES that 1.4 would be out in February and some of the more popular Pre fan sites think today is going to be the day. So much so that Precentral was able to snag the latest change log. A lot of the things we expected to come due to Palm’s announcements at CES are in the log, but there is also a bit of new. Flash support for the browser (Palm Pre only), Video capture, and the long awaited LED notification! So hopefully today is the day. We aren’t sure just yet if the update will be released on both Sprint WebOS phones and Verizon WebOS at the exact same time, but we do know if Palm can manage to pull it off it will certainly make a lot of people happy. As soon as the update comes out we will take it for a spin and show off some of the features on video so stay tuned. WebOS 1.4 leaked change log after the break… Read more of this post