[Video] Qualcomm’s 7×30 3D and multimedia Android workhorse

Can we haz one please! Santa may come early this year because Qualcomm was at MWC showing off some pretty impressive demo units of the capabilities of the Snapdragon processors equipped phones. As you’ll see in one of the videos after the break, Qualcomm’s display devices were running count them – four – videos on the same screen at the same time. Equally impressive on the demo Qualcomm MSM7x30 was a shot of a YouTube playback using Flash 10.1. Hit the link for more info and videos. Read more of this post

Palm shocks everyone at CES once again! [Update] – Full Event Video

Today we expected to hear a couple of announcements as far as new carriers and some small spec bumps. What we didn’t expect was for Palm to show us all this work they had done behind the scenes to bring 3D games, C and C++ app plugins, Flash, new hardware, new updates, new apps and more! We will cover it all for you after the break…
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