Dell Aero coming to AT&T

AT&T announced at CES that 5 Android devices would be on their network by the first half of 2010. They seem to be right on track. First we saw the Motorola Backflip and now the Dell Aero. AT&T is reluctant to release any details about the device except that it will be on their network soon. The Dell Aero is basically a Mini 3 which oddly looks a lot like a Palm Pre. The Mini 3 was pretty bare bone due to China’s strict rules and regulations so lets hope that Dell steps it up a little bit with this device here in the States. It’s okay Dell, we welcome advanced hardware technology! As soon as we find out what this device is going to be all about we will share the info, but for now just know that it is coming!

[Via Engadget Mobile]

[Via AT&T]
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