Microsoft’s full 3D gaming is good to go with XNA games running on Windows Phone 7 = Game On!

Game On! That’s right. Microsoft is not holding back but instead SETTING the rules for cell phone gaming and the future of it is near. Engadget reports:

There is no fast track for porting OpenGL games to the Direct3D environment, but that’s not stopping regular suspects like Oberon, Sega, Glu, EA, Popcap, Hudson Entertainment, Namco, Konami and Microsoft Game Studios from signing on.

But hey, anything Redmond can bring ala Xbox is fine with us (and a few million other gamers as well).  And remember, we own a gazillion gaming patents. Don’t forget! Apple, can you hear us now? I bet you can.

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Are you ready for some Football? Gameloft sports brings NFL to Palm Pre

Well this has made  my day for sure. Gameloft Sports has released a video touting their new NFL 2010 app for the Palm Pre. Interested in viewing more information, visit for more information.