Paid WebOS apps coming to Europe, Mexico, and Canada March 31

Hopefully we don't have to see this message anymore! Or at least feel like we are seeing this message

Finally! Okay Palm said that paid apps were coming to international carriers a couple months ago but wow does it feel like forever. When you are hurting for market share these are the kinds of things that need be put on a rush. Palm is now letting devs know that paid apps are coming to international countries such as Canada, Mexico, and Europe come March 31st. Though will our friends from Asia get these apps? It doesn’t look like it. Not yet anyway. We’ll have to wait and see if there is any sort of work around, but we are hoping our good buddies like @palmdoc, who are huge Palm supporters, don’t have to deal with the minuscule free selection available to them now. Palm needs to help devs and users by getting these apps out to everyone everywhere as soon as possible. That’s all folks, we look forward to March 31st!

[Via Precentral]
[tweetmeme source=”FoneFrenzy”

Palm Pre and Pixi Plus coming to AT&T

We knew the day would come soon but is it soon enough? Palm recently announced the launch of their two WebOS devices on AT&T’s 3G network. AT&T kind of jumped the gun with this announcement back at CES which is why it may not seem like such a big deal today. The Pre and Pixi plus are both identical to that of the Verizon versions except they are GSM which means two things.  A new carrier (AT&T) and Voice + Data at the same time. This is a feature that will help make the Pre/Pixi multitasking that much more intuitive. Having multiple apps open while on a call and browsing the web is something to be recognized. Palm will be on 3 of the 4 main carriers by Summer, what we have to hope for now is that Palm can hang on for just a little while longer so they can release a new device with a lot better hardware. Maybe a bigger screen… please PALM!

Both the Pre and Pixi Plus will be running AT&T apps much like the Verizon and Sprint apps you get. AT&T Navigator, Yellow Pages from AT&T, AT&T Address book which will be integrated with Palm’s Synergy, and AT&T Whisper service which logs AT&T phones automatically into AT&T WiFi hot spots. It doesn’t look like these WebOS devices will come with the Hotspot mobile applications for tethering like the Verizon versions just due to the issues AT&T has had with their network service, but there has been no official word.

The Pre Plus on AT&T will be $149.99 after a mail-in rebate. The Pixi Plus will be $49.99 after a mail in rebate as well. No release date for either phones has been announced but Palm did say ‘soon’. We are expecting this to hit sometime in May or June. In time for a potential new WebOS device launch later in the year. If you are tired of your iPhone or already tired of your Motorola Backflip, get one of these and just pop your SIM in when the time comes.

[Via Precentral]

[Via Palm]
[tweetmeme source=”fonefrenzy”

Palm webOS 1.4 hitting the Pre’s now?

Looks like a couple of people recently got leaks of webOS 1.4.0 to a few GSM Pre owner. Shadow-360 of PreCentral posted several screen shots of the OS updated.

A list of features include:

  1. Newer and recording-er Video app,
  2. A new options in the reset screen
  3. Much-improved call log that gives you more options and info on your missed calls and sorts calls by caller
  4. Media Sync has has been turned off by default, but can be turned on in Settings.
  5. Blink Notifications come enabled out of the virtual box this time.

Hit the break for video action of the Pre RECORDING video! Read more of this post

WebOS 1.4 Changelog leaked, Video capture, Flash, and bug fixes all included

WebOS 1.4 is supposed to be released this month. Palm stated at CES that 1.4 would be out in February and some of the more popular Pre fan sites think today is going to be the day. So much so that Precentral was able to snag the latest change log. A lot of the things we expected to come due to Palm’s announcements at CES are in the log, but there is also a bit of new. Flash support for the browser (Palm Pre only), Video capture, and the long awaited LED notification! So hopefully today is the day. We aren’t sure just yet if the update will be released on both Sprint WebOS phones and Verizon WebOS at the exact same time, but we do know if Palm can manage to pull it off it will certainly make a lot of people happy. As soon as the update comes out we will take it for a spin and show off some of the features on video so stay tuned. WebOS 1.4 leaked change log after the break… Read more of this post

WebOS 1.4 to arrive February 15th?

Palm detailed a bit of WebOS 1.4 in January at CES. They said that February was a month for WebOS users to look forward too and it seems as though that destination is still on track. Precentral received an image from a member of their forum showing that an update is expected to be launched on February 15th. In the side notes the update is said to bring Phonebook Transfer (Import and Export), Adds video capture and editing capability, Calendar enhancements, and messaging enhancements. Palm also said back at CES that 1.4 will bring a performance increase as well as increased battery life. Not to mention that at Game Developers conference Palm is expected to release the PDK beta to the public. Flash 10.1 plug-in for the browser should also be hitting the App Catalog any time now. WebOS is on track to becoming the best OS. The race between Palm, Android, and Apple as far as innovation goes lately has been astounding. Let’s hope this year we get RIM, Microsoft, and Symbian back into the full fledge innovation game.

[Via Precentral]

Palm shocks everyone at CES once again! [Update] – Full Event Video

Today we expected to hear a couple of announcements as far as new carriers and some small spec bumps. What we didn’t expect was for Palm to show us all this work they had done behind the scenes to bring 3D games, C and C++ app plugins, Flash, new hardware, new updates, new apps and more! We will cover it all for you after the break…
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