All Motorola devices to get Android 2.1, Droid will also get Flash 10.1

CES pre-show is in full swing and news is coming out like crazy. Motorola announces at their keynote that Android 2.1 is coming to ALL Motorola handsets with Android. This includes the CliQ and any other Motorola phone with Moto Blur. Such a ray of sunshine for those who were starting to feel a little jealous that Motorola gave Android 2.0 love to the Droid and left the CliQ on Android 1.5. However the Droid is getting something the CliQ is not.

Motorola also said that the Droid’s hardware is capable of Flash 10 and will be getting Flash 10.1 very soon. Motorola says that the OMAP 3 in the Droid handles Flash 10.1 quite well. Flash 10.1 support will be pushed to the Motorola Droid in an update over the air, so hang tight folks. It is coming.

About Daniel Rodriguez
I am 22 years old, I am a little bit new to writing but I love it and I am addicted to gadgets, whether it be Phones, PC's, OS's. Software. I love it all!

5 Responses to All Motorola devices to get Android 2.1, Droid will also get Flash 10.1

  1. Anonymous says:

    Great article. There’s a lot of good info here, though I did want to let you know something – I am running Fedora with the circulating beta of Firefox, and the design of your blog is kind of flaky for me. I can understand the articles, but the navigation doesn’t function so great.

  2. Bill says:

    Will Droid get Android 2.1? If so, when? Will Flash be included?
    Any and all info on update appreciated. Thanks!

  3. @bill The update is supposed to be out by Spring, I believe the Motorola Droid will get it the same time as every other Android 1.6 Phone that is waiting for it. Flash will come to the Droid as well but it won’t be via Android 2.1.

  4. Thanks for this article, very well-written. I have been learning the Android programming environment for the past few months and am really having fun.

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