A Remote (iPhone) Controlled “Quadricopter” with AR gaming coming in 2010?

It seems like every other day I learn about a new application for this phone or that. Today is no exception, well, except that it’s not just an application that has my attention. According to TUAW and Engadget Parrot is preparing to release a remote control 4-rotor helicopter, dubbed a “quadricopter,” baring the name “Parrot AR.Drone.”

The quadricopter is contolled from an iPhone (or iTouch) using its acceleromoter, and is connected through an ad-hoc network giving it approximately a 50 meter range. There are also touch screen controls to take off, ascend/descend, and rotate.

The AR.Drone has 2 cameras, one forward looking (which sends video to the iPhone), and one downward providing the drone its equilibrium and keeping it stable (running at 60fps). The drone boasts two ultrasonic transmitters for vertical stability, a three-axis accelerometer, and a two-axis gyroscope paired with a single-axis yaw precision gyroscope for good measure.

The actual price and release date remain a mystery. Although TUAW was told, pre-Macworld, that it would be in 2010. The guy’s from Parrot have only developed and tested it with an iPhone/iTouch, but have said that support for other phone platform such as Windows Mobile, Palm, and “others” would be likely. I seriously hope that by “others” they mean Android!

The foam body is apparently fairly resilient, and the drone only weighs 3/4 of a pound. If you fly out of range, the drone will take over and softly land itself, which is comforting as I don’t imagine this is going to be too cheap of a toy. The battery life, at least at the moment, is limited to a teasing 15 minutes.

“Control is really pretty simple: hit the take off button and the AR.Drone lifts off and then hovers at about 3 feet. The controls in the app include buttons to rotate left and right, a slider to climb, and a button that — once pressed and held — allows the iPhone to be tipped to tilt and fly the AR.Drone in any direction. If your WiFi connection drops while playing, the drove will stabilize and then land itself without damage or drama. Parrot’s demo games are fun, too — you can choose to fight against a computer opponent that you’ll see on your iPhone’s display (when you’re shot, your drone actually rocks back and forth) or dogfight with a friend.” says Sean Cooper, of Engadget.

[tweetmeme source=”fonefrenzy” http://wp.me/pv73k-zu%5D

About Dillon Hanson
Dillon here. I'm 23 years old, married, and I'm a medic in the U.S Army, fresh out of Iraq. I'm stationed in Germany (pops beer cap) for the time being, and awaiting my wife to join me. I'm a relapsing tech geek. I can't say exactly what it is that attracted me to technology, I've just always been drawn to it. I started out intrigued by the computers at school. In 6th grade I finally got my first computer, a hand me down DOS box. I can't remember the model to save my life, but it had a 5.25" drive and a dot matrix printer that was excrutiatingly loud. A few years later I found myself in trouble at school with computers, so I supressed my inner geek. Since then I've dabbled in Linux and programming, worked for a short time in the wireless industry, but for the most part just enjoyed technology instead of making technology itself a hobby. Now I find myself rediscovering it's appeal. I enjoy playing with electronics in general, but get a real rush from manipulation. I don't screw with "hacking" in the Kevin Mitnick sense these days, but unlocking, jailbreaking, modifying, and customizing presents a challenge and can pay off with some real eye candy, added functionality, and WTF reactions. My phone OS of choice is Android, though I think my wife would sooner divorce me than get rid of her iPhone. lol. I use a rooted HTC Hero (European) for my mobile device.

6 Responses to A Remote (iPhone) Controlled “Quadricopter” with AR gaming coming in 2010?

  1. DarthScorn says:

    Ok. I must have this now. I want to use it to check out my neighbors hot wife when she sunbaths during the summer with her top off. And the camera? Oh shit!

    I may be able to hover out their window at night and get some sexy cam action ftw!

  2. Dillon Hanson says:


  3. midibite says:

    Must have to use buzz the heads of the clubbers waiting in line downstairs and across the street from my apartment.

    Think about the chest shots 😉

  4. Dillon Hanson says:

    Lol, they’ve created a monster….

  5. the video boss says:

    Blog looks really good mate, keep it up! Inspires me to keep building a following of my own.

  6. Nieves Zona Libre says:

    I would do a flyover on a bunch of chicks at Hooters.

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