Another Nexus One OTA 3G fix on the way?

Word has it that some of the folks over at xda have managed to get their hands on a newer version of the official Nexus One android 2.1 ROM, and it appears as though Google’s made a step in the right direction.  Google has caught considerable amounts of negative PR due to some inherent flaws with the Nexus One’s official build, resulting in fluctuations and/or complete loss of 3G data connectivity intermittently, and has attempted to patch the issue once before with little success.  No word from any concrete sources as to whether this ROM will be released into the wild, but as it stands now, it appears as though SOMEONE is trying.

(lul, no 3g for u)

[tweetmeme source=”fonefrenzy”

One Response to Another Nexus One OTA 3G fix on the way?

  1. DarthScorn says:

    Good cuz my friend has been having problems with his Nexus.

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