Samsung Super AMOLED Blows All Others Away; Side By Side Comparison

Forget the rest, Samsung Super AMOLED is by far the best display built today on a mobile handset. As demonstrated in this extensive review by Mobile Review with by side photos of the new Samsung Wave running Bada against Google’s Nexus One, Nokia X6 (although I would like to seen the N900 here) and Samsung’s own S9000 Jet. This is a truly remarkable and stunning color screen , with never before seen brightness and screen resolution all packed into one package. A direct result of some great engineering at Samsung’s headquarters. Hit the link for side by side pics. Read more of this post

Samsung’s Bada strategy, specs, video and direction of the company

An excellent article was written my Mobile-Review about the Samsung Bada. Keep in mind that this is a Russian translation but the article itself is a guide to the direction Samsung is moving. At the press conference today, JK Shin, president and head of Samsung’s mobile division said: “This is the start of a new era, we are committed to making the smartphone experience a truly democratic one.” Read more of this post

Will Microsoft Reveal a Tegra Based “Zune Phone” at the MWC in Barcelona?

Spanish blog “MuyComputer” claims that they will! According to Gizmodo editor Jesus Diaz it’s a legitimate source. “the Zune Phone presentation at Barcelona’s Mobile World Congress 2010 is 100% confirmed.” Said “MuayComputer” editorial director Javier Pérez Cortijo.

MuyComputer reports that the phone will have a 480 x 272 screen, HDMI video out, and weigh around 2.45 ounces (70 grams). It does not state whether it will run Tegra 2, or just the current Tegra platform. That said its probably safe to assume that it will be the current Tegra platform, and not Tegra 2.

Even so, this may give the “Zune Phone” a boost for its application and game markets, which have yet to catch up with the iPhone’s plethora of titles. The rumor continues that the phone will sport the revamped Windows Phone 7, which in all honesty may not be all its cracked up to be.

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Ubisoft Remains Unsure of iPhone Game Profitability

Well this really, honestly comes as no shock to me. The iPhone has always found its niche in small, quirky, simple games. More serious gaming just isn’t as appealing to the average iPhone user as the latter type, especially at a higher price point. Not to say that there is NO market for it.

In an analysts phone call following it’s 3Q FY10 quarterly report, Ubisoft did not seem thrilled with the iPhone. While it did state that early sales were good, they were not apparently good enough to warrant additional development investment than was already underway (development is split between Ubisoft and Gameloft, its sister company.) Read more of this post

Leaked shots of Nokia’s Symbian^4 and Symbian^3

Out friends over at FoneArena are reporting new screen shots of Nokia’s Symbian^4 and Symbian^3. The new OS are expected to hit the forthcoming N87 very soon. The Nokia N87 will sport a 3.7-inch AMOLED capacitive touchscreen promised to be scratch resistant and will take advantage of Symbian^3 multi-touch support. The new OS will have a pinch-to-zoom gesture! Hit the link for more.

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