Google Going Gaga with “Mobile First” Doctrine

CEO Eric Schmidt said that the most popular endpoint seems to be a mobile device. He said Google is now thinking about things in terms of “Mobile First” with every product from this point forward. Google main focus for the future will continue to be on high performance mobile phones. Although the company will continue make it’s PC applications and other apps that are able to work in any type of browser, but he stated “the company’s best programmers want to work on mobile.”

At Mobile World Congress, Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt stated the company’s  philosophy and focus on mobile applications. Schmidt also demonstrated some extremely grand upcoming applications which included a new form of voice recognition and instantaneous language-translation service,

“In three years, if not sooner, smart phones will surpass PC sales” said Schmidt. He continued by saying “the phone is now an extension of not only what you do, but who of you are….it was the joint project of all of us to make mobile the answer to just about every question.”

Schmidt responded to a question asked on whether Google was trying to turn network operators into ‘dumb pipes’, saying he thought “operators had a lot to offer in things like security, billing, service, etc.” But he said Google “was not going to be investing in broad-scale infrastructure”, even though Google was testing a 1 Gbps network.  The reason for this is because Google wants to test to see how people will use the immense amount of speed, but not because Google wants to get into the high speed provider business. Schmidt did say ” the company will continue to support both LTE and WiMax.”

One thing we can say for sure is that in a short amount of time, a company like Google, that has never before built hardware, is about as dominant in the Mobile marketplace like Coca Cola has been with sodas.

[tweetmeme source=”fonefrenzy”

About Tony P
Connoisseur of all that is Mobile Tech.

3 Responses to Google Going Gaga with “Mobile First” Doctrine

  1. goonygogo says:

    All your base are belong to us

  2. Amelia Devaux says:

    Google is making their move into this market ina huge way.

  3. Loris Stoutenger says:

    Very nice post. Do you accept guest writers?

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