Titanium iPhone is the real deal you know it’s real

I was going to post information here but I’ll let the video speak for itself. If you want some nice photos of the this sweet Titanium mod of the iPhone, head on over to here.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Read more via Engadget.

[tweetmeme source=”fonefrenzy” http://wp.me/pv73k-EK%5D

About Tony P
Connoisseur of all that is Mobile Tech.

One Response to Titanium iPhone is the real deal you know it’s real

  1. Mike Allin says:

    Great video. Love the iphone. I was reading on some blog about all the people that are making money off of the iphone. Apparently apple only makes a small profit and AT&T eats a huge costs to be the sole provider to carry it. Toshiba is making the most money per phone on it because they supply a lot of the components. So is samsung. This is cool. I was just reading some tweets about a new stainless steel cover for the iphone. I want a titanium one myself- much lighter and it will scratch less and last longer.

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