Google Earth on Android 2.1

So Google earth hit the Android Market a few days ago. It is available for free in the Android 2.1 market only. The app is pretty straight forward and similar its iPhone counter part. Performance wise it seems to actually struggle a bit compared to the iPhone version in my experience, though both are very close. The feature set is just about identical to that of the iPhone so if you are an Android lover you finally have your Google Earth. Though with the newest version of Google’s Maps, Google Earth feels a lot less appealing to me. Anyway we have some video for you to enjoy, a simple walk through of Google Earth in the Android Market. It is available only for Android 2.1 devices (Nexus One). Hopefully the Droid and others will receive their juicy Android 2.1 update soon so they can join in on the party.

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About Daniel Rodriguez
I am 22 years old, I am a little bit new to writing but I love it and I am addicted to gadgets, whether it be Phones, PC's, OS's. Software. I love it all!

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