No Flash support for Windows Phone 7? No cut-copy-paste?! Say it isn’t true!

Various news outlets are reporting on the surprising information coming out of the Microsoft camp; Windows Phone 7 will not support Flash or cut-copy-paste.  Yes, you heard that right, Windows Phone will not support cut-copy-paste. The hell Microsoft, did you not learn from Apple?  Having the ability to cut and paste bits of text and applications is an essential part of an operating system, especially on mobile platforms where shortcuts make the world go round.  No one likes typing the same phrase over and over Microsoft.  On a less surprising note, Flash support seems to be more of an Adobe issue than anything else.

Microsoft’s lack of Flash support seems to be the general theme of things in the mobile world.  Apple has expressed absolutely no interest in Flash support on the iPhone and the iPad, Flash for Android has been in development for God know how long, and now word from the Adobe camp sings a similar tune for Windows Phone 7.  Adobe developer Mike Chambers said in a recent blog post: Read more of this post