[Video] Droid 2.1 manual update, it’s real and this kid shows it off

Yesterday Verizon finally announced the official Android 2.1 update was on it’s way to the Droid and there were still plenty of skeptics (including me). This of course is understandable because of the fact that the update has been teased time and time again. Well this time it is real and you can get it yourself right now. The friendly folks over at MobileCrunch have included some detailed directions on how to get your Droid up to date. It is a fairly painless process as long as you follow the steps.

You can follow the the procedure step by step at MobileCrunch here. If you don’t want to manually update and/or are waiting for your update notification, amuse yourself with this kid’s demonstration of Android 2.1 on his Droid in the meantime.

You can download the update here.

[Via MobileCrunch]

About Daniel Rodriguez
I am 22 years old, I am a little bit new to writing but I love it and I am addicted to gadgets, whether it be Phones, PC's, OS's. Software. I love it all!

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