Motorola Charm leaked and Motorola Flipout on AT&T?

Here is some good news for Android fans out there on a slow Sunday. Engadget received these pictures of new Motorola Android phone called the Motorola Charm. The phone is suppose to be out for T-Mobile and has a candybar style form factor.It also runs MotoBlur but on top of 2.1 and has some new “enhancements” such as a 7 panel home screen and updates to the Twitter and Facebook widgets. All these enhancements are also suppose to come to the Moto Cliq and Cliq XT so there is some good news for users with those phones.

The other piece of news is the Motorola Flipout, announced earlier in June and destined for Europe might make its way to the states. Android Central was sent some pictures from a tester supposedly testing it for AT&T. It looks like AT&T is trying to get in the Android game more and more even though they give you a dumb down version of Android with each phone.

[via Android Central, Engadget]

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About Anthony N.
When you wanna talk cell phones, look no further. I can go on and on about them, I am no fanboy to any brand, I love playing with new cell phone I can and writing about them to all you fans is the best job I have.

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