[Video] Qualcomm’s 7×30 3D and multimedia Android workhorse

Can we haz one please! Santa may come early this year because Qualcomm was at MWC showing off some pretty impressive demo units of the capabilities of the Snapdragon processors equipped phones. As you’ll see in one of the videos after the break, Qualcomm’s display devices were running count them – four – videos on the same screen at the same time. Equally impressive on the demo Qualcomm MSM7x30 was a shot of a YouTube playback using Flash 10.1. Hit the link for more info and videos. Read more of this post

NVIDIA to show off the Tegra 2 at CES, should fix the lag

So NVIDIA is going to have a set up at CES in January and they are bringing some exciting stuff. The Tegra 2! The impressive thing is that we haven’t even seen the full capacity of the Tegra 1 which is currently in the ZuneHD. The ZuneHD runs 3D games without hesitation or lag. In fact the entire UI of the ZuneHD seems to be super smooth and phone companies sure could take a cue from this strategy. With the Tegra 2 coming out along with other monster processors like the TI OMAP 36x, OMAP 4, Snapdragon, and the original Tegra, there is no excuse for lag on any smartphones released in the second half of 2010. Every company has had or is having issues with lag such as Palm, Apple, Microsoft, Motorola, and HTC. Lag or slow response times are hopefully a thing of the past and we can all just move on to the bigger and better hardware. I’ll keep my fingers crossed. NVIDIA is also rumored to have some new hardware running on the Tegra 2 chip such as Tablets, MIDs, and/or Phones.  Some devices are supposed to launch with this hardware in the first half of 2010 but the smartphones won’t feel the love until the second half of 2010. I’ll take the HD2, Pre, or Nexus One with the Tegra 2 thank you very much.

[Via Slashgear]