Nokia N900 Overclocked to 900MHz and Vasco Goes Viral in Video + N8

It’s been a busy day for Nokia fans. Two interesting announcements (unofficial) have surfaced this morning. First off, Lehto, a user over at has uploaded the kernel files for 650,700,750,800,825,850,900 overclocks. It appears that the stable running maximum stable overclock speed is around 900 MHz. So for all of your N900 users feeling the need for speed, head on over to the Maemo forums and get your groove on. But remember, or it’s editors are not responsible if you turn your phone into a fried piece of plastic or a Nokia brick.

Also, it seems as the N8 or Vasco viral video is about it hit the interwebs soon. Few of us can actually say that a viral video is viral, if its being broadcast on twitter. But alas, we have a tweet that our Nokia fans can come to appreciate a new video soon of the monster flagship handset Nokia is getting ready to unveil to the world.

[via Engadget and The Nokia Blog]

Nokia N87 [Vasco] specs shows AMOLED display

Nokia, how I love the build of your handsets. You make some great quality phones and as seen by the photos we’ve found, you are bringing some AMOLED love into the mix. Hit the read link for more pics and specs.

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