Samsung working on Chrome OS based netbook; World says, “Duh.”

In a not too surprising turn of events, Phil Newton (Head of Samsung IT) is reported to have said that Samsung Australia will release a Chrome OS based netbook in the later part of 2010 at a launch of several Intel based Samsung notebooks Wednesday.  Newton went on to state that the netbook will have built-in 3G Wi Fi capability, 12-hour battery life, and will reportedly be similar to the new Samsung N210, which has a 10.1-inch LED display. Touting 2GB of RAM, and a 64GB SSD minimum, performance of this bad-boy will come down to the as of yet unmentioned chipset.  Stay posted for more information.
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VIDEO: Holy Wireless Transfer Speeds! Transfer Jet does 560Mbps

AT TOSHIBA’S PREVIEW of its upcoming products for 2010 it demoed its Transfer Jet short distance wireless technology on one of its portable computers. This technology, which was first shown at CES in Las Vegas, has been captured by the INQUIRER running on a Toshiba Qosmio G50 laptop, which was especially kitted out for the January show. Said to be a replacement for USB technology for its transfer speed, Transfer Jet could also be a replacement for Bluetooth, too. It’s 10 times the speed of that current short distance wireless tech, whilst more on par with USB in terms of transfer rate, with a ceiling of 560Mbps.

Vodpod videos no longer available.
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Telus Q4 profit falls to $156 million; competition heats up the cold north

Telus Corp. says its profit tumbled 49 per cent in the fourth quarter as the competition in the wireless sector heated up, and Canada’s second-largest phone company responded by ramping up its network infrastructure. The Canadian wireless communications sector, which had consisted of only three national carriers including Telus until recently, has been battling a rash of new players who are offering highly competitive prices, including WIND Mobile. It’s hard be all high and mighty when smarter players jump into the game. The USA learned the hard way, eh?

[via The Star]
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HipLogic announced OEMs can customize standard Android UI in cloud

So much for Google’s fragmentation of Android. HipLogic, a Fremont, California company announced that they will provide a way for operators and mobile handset OEMs to customize the standard Android user interface (UI), leveraging the openness of Google’s Android operating system to address some of operators’ toughest challenges—meaningful user customization, rising data consumption and limited brand differentiation. Hit the read link for more.

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Opera Mobile 10.50 Beta 3 Released; Mobile Fans Rejoice

Finally! If you are hankering for a decent browsing experience and not satisfied with your current browser (sans, Palm’s webOS, Apple’s iPhone, Nokia’s Maemo browser and Google’s Droid browsers), then you can head on over to Opera and begin downloading to your hearts delight.

Opera Mobile 10.50 become official today for Windows Mobile and Symbian handsets. So head on over to Opera and get yourself some browser love. Because having 50 million users, is certainly nothing to sneeze at in today’s competitive market.

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Samsung’s Bada OS Wave in pictures UPDATE: Specs NEW PICS at bottom of post

The infamous Eldar Murtazin, a Moscow based journalist, one of lucky few reporters to able to get their hands on up and coming mobile technology, was able to land his hands on the Samsung Wave running the Bada OS. In one of his tweets he mentioned that was able to touch this new phone before everyone else. He says:

Just finished review of Samsung Wave – most impressive device of MWC10, 14 pages, 300+ pics, on site on Sunday evening, 9p.m. Moscow time.

More NEW pics – hit the read link.

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Garmin-Asus announces nüvifone A50 and M10

Your smartphone has GPS?  Well, my GPS handheld has a cellphone!  Garmin-Asus has released information about two new phones slated to launch under the nüvifone model-line soon, a week ahead of MWC, dubbed the A50 and the M10, rocking Android (version unspecified) and Windows Mobile 6.5.3 respectively.

The A50 is said to have “more location technology than any other smartphone”.  If anyone is to make good on a marketing line such as that, it’d be the folks over at Garmin.  Sporting a 3.5″ HVGA capacitive touchscreen, integrated 4GB Flash drive, microSD card slot, 3 MP camera with auto-focus, and an accelerometer, Garmin places the phone near the top of the middle market Android devices.

“The Garmin-Asus M10 is our answer to people’s need for work-life balance.”  Garmin attempts to cater to the existing Windows Mobile community, and is marketing it as a business oriented device.  Running the latest Windows Mobile 6.5.3, the device touts a 3.5″ WVGA capacitive touchscreen, 512MB RAM, 512 ROM, 4GB of integrated Flash memory, and a 5 MP camera.

Look for these devices to drop in Asian and European markets in the first half of 2010.  No word on US availability.

Microsoft Canada slips up; Posts article referring to Windows Phone 7

Looks like it’s official, Ultrabrief is reporting that the guys over at have uncovered a document written by someone over at software giant Microsoft’s Canadian branch. Stephen Chapman of msftkitchen has followed Microsoft’s usage of the phrase “Windows Phone 7”, and has uncovered an article that has since been modified referring to the next mobile OS outing by Microsoft directly as Windows Phone 7. Hit the link for pics.

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Sick of your Nokia N900 Boot Video? Hack that puppy and upload your own!

The guys over at Maemo Arena have posted some juicy stuff that doesn’t require a Masters in Computer Science to implement on your Nokia N900. Since the Nokia N900 is open to just about anything you can throw at it, the Maemo OS is ripe for some interesting customizing. Hit the link for video and instructions.

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