Symbian & Nokia Lead Smartphone Market; RIM-Apple-Android Not Far Behind

Although Symbian holds the lead at 47%, both RIM and Apple are making serious inroads in the worldwide smartphone market share. According the latest figures produced by Gartner, an information technology research firm, both Symbian and Nokia were still in a solid first place of the world’s smartphone market, both RIM and Apple are becoming a serious threat to each.

In a recently published study, Nokia has maintained an overall 36.4% of the worldwide smartphone market share, but saw a 2.2% loss last year. Symbian also dominated with a 52.4% market share, but those are worldwide figures and do not reflect the United States Market.

In the U.S.A., a recent Comscore survey shows both RIM and Apple are much larger than Symbian. With the increase of mobile web traffic, both Apple and Android are leading the pack. What all the other Operating Systems and Manufactures need to be concerned with is Google’s Android. According to recent reports, Android has been selling 60,000 handsets a month, and both Verizon and AT&T plan to release several devices this year.

[via ZDnet]

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About Tony P
Connoisseur of all that is Mobile Tech.

2 Responses to Symbian & Nokia Lead Smartphone Market; RIM-Apple-Android Not Far Behind

  1. I found your website on Yahoo and i like your content.

  2. nice post.
    i think Android will be growth and more popular.

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