Apple Sues HTC, Google Backs HTC, Nokia Ponders, Palm Just Laughs, Motorola says Whew, Microsoft Calls Lawyers

Well well well, what a day for HTC today. Waking up to news this morning from the Interwebs, HTC quickly found itself embroiled in a lawsuit from Apple stating that HTC has infringed on several patents (Count ’em, twenty). Hit the link for more. Read more of this post

Blackberry Storm/Bold Qwerty Slider Gets Outed

Our friends over at BBLeaks outed what appears to be a new Blackberry slider/Storm/Bold QWERTY combo. A closer look at the photo above and you see a Storm type facade. When we look a little closer, we see the Bold type (and well loved) qwerty keyboard. What we do not know if this was one of RIM’s failed test projects or is this an actual phone about to hit the market this summer during the June Tsunami of phones.

I would have to take the latter and say that this is something RIM is working on, but I do not think that this will be the final product. Why? Because RIM has reduced the amount of chrome around the bezel of it’s devices the last couple of years and this design looks dated and about 2 1/2 years old already. I am excited to see something similar to the Palm Pre and Samsung Flight with a portrait slider and qwerty action running a newer RIM OS, but I really hope that RIM doesn’t produce this particular style. Why? I just asked my girl who is a Blackberry lover and supporter (9000 and now 9700) “Would you buy this phone?” She said “oh…no.” Enough said.

via BBLeaks

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