[Video] Droid 2.1 manual update, it’s real and this kid shows it off

Yesterday Verizon finally announced the official Android 2.1 update was on it’s way to the Droid and there were still plenty of skeptics (including me). This of course is understandable because of the fact that the update has been teased time and time again. Well this time it is real and you can get it yourself right now. The friendly folks over at MobileCrunch have included some detailed directions on how to get your Droid up to date. It is a fairly painless process as long as you follow the steps.

You can follow the the procedure step by step at MobileCrunch here. If you don’t want to manually update and/or are waiting for your update notification, amuse yourself with this kid’s demonstration of Android 2.1 on his Droid in the meantime.

You can download the update here.

[Via MobileCrunch]

T-Mobile’s new deal, add a line $5, still eligible for a phone upgrade

Today T-Mobile had a super fun conference call regarding their new add-a-line deal they began promoting recently. Okay it wasn’t that fun, but their example customers such as the Rastafarian Adam were a blast to watch. T-Mobile is now going to allow new and existing customers add additional lines for only $5.00 a month. Previous price was $10.00 and this is only applicable to lines 3-5. If you already have 3-5 people on a family plan you can have your rates for lines 3-5 reduced from $10.00 to $5.00 a month by extending your contract for another 2 years. This seems ridiculous in a way because usually rate changes or plan changes don’t affect your contract terms, but if you were already eligible for a subsidized phone on your T-Mo plan and you sign the new 2 year agreement, you can still upgrade your phone with a subsidy even after the new 2 year was signed. These offers only apply to the 750 and 1500 minute family plans. So if you plan on staying with T-Mobile for a while, you have one of these 2 rate plans, and want to add a new line or reduce the price of your existing lines, now is the time to do so!

[Via T-Mobile]

64 GB ZuneHD coming April 12th

Microsoft is going to sell their ZuneHD in the 64GB flavor for $350.00 and lower the price of their existing ZuneHD’s by $20 each.  The new price of the ZuneHD in the 16 and 32GB models will now be $200 and $270 respectively. Yes this means my 32GB is going to be on eBay shortly so I can finally replace my 60GB iPod 5th Gen from 2005. There isn’t much to tell here, we assume this will be running the same Tegra 1 chip and will have the same resolution as the previous versions of the ZuneHD. For the full Microsoft press release, read on after the break!

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Gettin’ Fennic Wit’ It: Firefox Goes Mobile – Rough Fennic Running On Android

grainysand of XDA dev forum posted some pics of Fennic running on Android. The guys over at Android central forums posted some videos. MartinSchirr of Android Forums gets credit for port to Android and we expect a full release later this year.

[via XDA-Developers, Android Forums]

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