Samsung’s Galaxy S may be the biggest Android phone ever, heres why

Samsung has kind of been all over the place when it comes to smartphones. They have phones with Windows Mobile, Android, Bada, and soon Windows Phone 7. Until now it has been unclear as to which platform is most important to them and how they are even going about their mobile strategy. From a third-party perspective, one perspective that observes the launch and marketing of phones each time there is a new one, from someone who has been pleased with Apple’s marketing and displeased with Palm’s, and can clearly see the results because of it, I feel I am entitled to a detailed opinion on the matter. Let’s take a brief look at Samsung’s recent past, what they have tried, and where they are headed. Read more of this post

Samsung shows Omnia HD some firmware love

It appears that technology giant Samsung has finally shown the Omnia some software lovin’, and it’s features list puts the “pop” in “pop-shot”.  The long touted hardware prowess of the Omnia side-lined by the staggeringly weak software support from the company.  Better late than never goes the phrase, but I can’t help but feel that the Omnia would have sold much better had these features been present in the release builds.  I’ll let you come to your own conclusions.

List of features included:

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