HTC EVO 4G loses 30fps video limit; gets 802.11n WiFi

Oh EVO. How you make me so happy. Not only are you big and beautiful but you keep the devs busy. HTC shipped the EVO 4G with a cap on the graphic output. Now devs decided to take things into their own hands and uncap that little snafu. The guys at xda-developers decided to get their coding mitts on and pump out the needed lines to remove this limit.

Also, HTC didn’t allow 802.11n WiFi when the EVO 4G was shipped. Again, xda-developers decided to give this puppy the needed code to enable EVO to use the band. So if you’re interested in doing both to your EVO, hit the break for videos and links on how to enable both features on your EVO 4G. Read more of this post

Nokia N97 rocking Windows Mobile 7 – Say What?

I love hackers. Best guys on the planet. Able to do stuff to warez and hardware that lone, mortal humans can’t fathom. Now some industrious hackers have decided to load up a Nokia N97 rocking Windows Mobile 7!

The phone only starts up but shows the Intel Atom processor running at 1100 MHz. Too bad it doesn’t show the main menu actually running all the way through.

[via BeGeek]

UPDATE: it appears that the video is not of Windows Mobile 7 but Windows 7.

Android 2.0 coming to G1 and MyTouch? WiFi tether hacked on the Droid

Word is out that Android 2.0 or greater is officially coming to the G1 and possibly the MyTouch 3G. AndroidSPIN says that they have a “source” that says Android 2.0 and/or 2.0.1 are already on some legacy devices. We are hoping this means both the G1 and MyTouch 3G but we also are hoping it doesn’t end there. No device except for the ‘Nexus One’ have Android 2.1, but hopefully when that becomes available to the public, the firmware will also be released on these other devices. Android has come a long way in the jump from 1.6 to 2.0.1 and this update will be a very heart warming addition to the legacy phones that got people excited for Android in the first place. No reason for Google not to support its first comers. This is all still just rumor as far as we are concerned but it is something we expected to happen for a long time now. Now if Google could just give some word so G1 users and MyTouch users can breathe a sigh of relief.

In other news, the good folks over at have provided users with a list of instructions on how to get WiFi tethering on the Motorola Droid. If you are already content using the “No hack needed” PDANET that is available in the Android Market, which allows Bluetooth and USB tethering, then this isn’t worth the work. If not, then you should definitely head over to the Droidforums and follow the step by step instructions on how to root your Droid and allow WiFi tethering. Build your own Verizon MiFi out of the Motorola Driod! ^^ Of course you run the risk of bricking your phone during the root process, which neither us, nor Droidforums, are responsible for. If you are not familiar or comfortable with rooting your device then you definitely should not give this a try. Hopefully WiFi tethering can become somewhat of a norm sometime in the future.

For instructions on how to root your device and get WiFi tethering on your Droid go here

[Via AndroidSPIN, Droidforums]