HTC Mozart shows up in more photos

According to Xmoo on Twitter, what you are looking at are more blurry cam pics of the forthcoming handset the HTC Mozart. Looks like another sexy handset built by HTC running Windows Phone 7.

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HTC Windows Phone 7 features 3.7″ screen, 1GHz Snapdragon on CDMA bands?

Looks like a developer decided to shoot some pics and send them over to Engadget of a mysterious new HTC Windows Phone 7 powered device. The phone sports a CDMA band which would most likely mean Verizon and Sprint as the main carriers for this new WP7 handset. The device itself comes with a 3.7″ Super LCD screen (maybe ala Sony?), 1GHz Snapdragon processor, three touchscreen buttons at the bottom of the screen like on the Nexus One and an 8 MP camera. Nothing is confirmed but if what we see is some more HTC goodness about the hit the CDMA market here in the U.S.A., you can bet we will surely be wanting to take one for a test drive. Hit up the link for more pics. Read more of this post

Four HTC Windows Phone 7 handsets heading to U.S. in Q3

Two recent tweets by Conflipper state the we can expect up to four new Windows handsets in North America shortly:

HTC Scorpio aka HTC Olympian, is going to Bell Mobility and Verizon!! HTC Spark_W (WP7) Going to Bell Mobility and Verizon also.


HTC Gold_W (WP7) going to sprint. HTC Schubert (WP7) going to Telus. HTC Mondrian (WP7) going to Telus and Rogers. Carriers are lining up.

These are expected to debut in North America by Q3 of this year. Also Conflipper said that the HTC Scorpion aka HTC Olympian Android tablet is headed to Bell and Verizon. But the spec sheet is what would interest us the most. Qualcomm recently announced their third-generation Snapdragon feature two Application Processor Cores  (Dual CPUs) running up to 1.2 GHz. Hit the break for more info. Read more of this post