Android 2.2 begins hitting EVO’s, early adopters minds are at ease

It was true! I know this is so hard to believe because Sense UI has a reputation of late updates, but would you look at that. The Android 2.2 update is beginning to land on devices. According to Engadget, they recently received a handful of tips stating that Android 2.2 has began hitting some of their readers handsets. We haven’t gotten the official OTA on ours yet, but we will definitely shoot up some video once we do. If you have yours already, let us know what you think!

[Via Engadget]

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Sprint Samsung Intercept gets sold early at Best Buy

Isn’t it cool when a large company makes a mistake in your favor for once? Well, this lucky Best Buy shopper was able to snag himself an early Samsung Intercept from Best Buy. You probably already know about all the specs, so watch the video walk through provided by this lucky buyer.

[via Android Central]

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