[Video] Google Growing, Microsoft 7 Phone, Palm Not In Trouble, Yahoo and Redmond, Mobile Ads

In the video below, Dan Frommer from Business Insider discusses some of the news of the week:

* Has Google jumped the shark? It wasn’t long ago everyone loved and praised every move.
* With the introduction of the new Microsoft mobile software, can Palm survive?
* Why does everyone think Palm is in trouble? Why do they have to beat Apple or Android in sales to “win”?
* Any idea when Yahoo will get first payment from Microsoft?
* What does the ad network landscape look like in 6-12 months?
* How did porn apps slip into the app store… only to be taken down by Apple?

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Review: HP Mini 110 in Daily Use

After years of using an HP Compaq widescreen laptop, that was laboriously slow and heavy to pick up and lug around, I was pleasantly surprised to find a very good deal on the HP Mini 110 Notebook.  I found it on clearance for $164.00 plus tax. Yes, you read that right $164.00! Can you say score? I can. Hit the read link for the full walk through.

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T-Mobile Drops New Update for Motorola CLIQ

Although this is not the update everyone was waiting for (Android 2.1 Eclair), T-Mobile has announced an update for your Motorola CLIQ. The 1.3.18 software update for the CLIQ provides improvements to the CLIQ’s battery life, touch screen sensitivity, GPS performance, and other functions outlined below. Hit the break for more info. Read more of this post

Motorola Moving Handset Business To Cali?

Motorola made an announcement not long ago regarding it’s plans to break up the company. With that announcement, a few tough decisions need to be made with how the company with be run. According to a WSJ report, the company’s co-CEO, Sanjay Jha, stated that when the firm splits in two in 2011, Moto may move the handset and set-top box units to California. The reason? The reason? An abundant amount of skilled and innovative workers.

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Microsoft Going to Focus on 3 Phone Devices For Windows Phone 7?

A editor over at ZDNet was tipped off to listen to a show called “Frankly Speaking” podcast (dated February 20).  Within a few minutes into the show, the Microsoft Australia Developer team (Michael Kordahi and Andrew Coates) began to describe a decision by Microsoft to cut back the large number of supported Windows Phone chassis down to three with Windows Phone 7. Read more of this post

Symbian & Nokia Lead Smartphone Market; RIM-Apple-Android Not Far Behind

Although Symbian holds the lead at 47%, both RIM and Apple are making serious inroads in the worldwide smartphone market share. According the latest figures produced by Gartner, an information technology research firm, both Symbian and Nokia were still in a solid first place of the world’s smartphone market, both RIM and Apple are becoming a serious threat to each. Read more of this post

Nokia C6 Touchscreen Gets OK from FCC

Nokia’s forthcoming touchscreen phone known as the C6-00 has made its way to Nokia’s declaration of conformity site. The model known as the RM-612 is the C6-00 or C6, comes packed with Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g, Bluetooth, quad-band GSM connectivity 900 – 1800, and tri-band WCDMA connectivity 900, 1900, 2100 MHz. Unfortunately, it appears that this will not hit the  U.S.A. shores anytime soon as it has no American 3G bands. It would be interesting to see this phone rocking Maemo, but we suspect that this may be a Symbian device.

[tweetmeme source=”fonefrenzy” http://wp.me/pv73k-DJ%5D

A WebOS device coming to T-Mobile?

Palm is working very hard to claw its way back to the top of the smart phone game. They had a slow start with their Sprint exclusive agreement, but it seems they aren’t taking anymore chances. They are now on Sprint and Verizon, and should be on AT&T in the first half of 2010. BGR is claiming they have an inside source that tells them T-Mobile is ramping up it’s launch plans for their first WebOS device. Their source says the first device is going to be a Pixi or Pixi-like device rather than the flagship Palm Pre we are seeing launch on the other carriers. This is exactly what Palm needs and they need it fast. Even though their product is slowly catching on, having it on Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile all at the same time will give them an opportunity to reach out to every potential smart phone buyer in the States. This also could be the first smart phone to be a real challenger to the OS that is is dominant on T-Mobile right now which is Android. iPhone is still locked to AT&T giving WebOS a chance to thrive on other carriers.

[Via Boy Genius Report]