HTC’s Christmas Gift for all: Android 2.2

Santa knows what you want for Christmas HTC Android owners, the Froyo 2.2 update, and (Spoiler) he will be bringing it. Talking to, Eric Lin, HTC’s global PR and online community manager, gave relief to those HTC owners of when to expect the Froyo update. While he says the update process is difficult because they want to make sure everything is fine, he does say it is going quicker then expected.

“I don’t think you’re going to see that really long six month, seven month lag, like you saw in the updates from 1.5 to 2.1, simply because it’s a less severe change. Switching from 2.1 to 2.2, they made a lot of tweaks, but they didn’t make any gigantic changes, so it should be a much swifter process”.

But me personally, I am not looking forward to 2.2, I am looking foward to Gingerbread, that big 3.0 update and he does talk about if and when they will get it, when to expect it on any device.

“I don’t think so. I don’t know what Gingerbread involves, but I would believe that we would be done with our Froyo updates before Christmas. And since Google hasn’t made any announcements as to when Gingerbread is going to come out, I’m not going to make that guess, it could be Q1 of next year”.

It is good to know that HTC keeps everyone in the loop and while it is a long wait, it is better then nothing some other users are experiencing.

[via Android Central,Pocket-Lint]

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When you wanna talk cell phones, look no further. I can go on and on about them, I am no fanboy to any brand, I love playing with new cell phone I can and writing about them to all you fans is the best job I have.

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