Android growing faster than the rest according to AdMob latest figures

Nothing says an OS is growing better than shear sales volume. According to figures recently release by AdMob, Google’s Android OS continues it’s steep but fast climb to lead only second to Apple’s iOS. The May report by AdMob indicates that Android rising to these new heights very fast and worldwide thanks to it’s quick adoption across multiple manufactures. Hit the break for video and more information. Read more of this post

AdMob survey: Android beating iPhone for requests 46 percent to 39 percent

In not somewhat of a surprising release, AdMob, which serves ads for more than 18,000 mobile Web sites and applications around the world, has put together what is some interesting news in regards to the Android community, it’s starting to kick Apple’s butt. Worldwide, Apple is still at a pretty solid, sitting at 46% compared to Android’s 25%. for March 2010. But when you look at the United States above, home country to both mobile operating systems, Android has pulled away from Apple, 46% to 39%. Although this is not astonishing news considering the varied many handsets delivered in the past year on the Android OS, this does give some credence as to why Apple is suing HTC. Sounds to us like Apple is a bit afraid of Android as a whole and wants to continue to dominate the market, even though, we’ve already seen what’s next in line for Apple’s 4th generation iPhone. A list of some excerpts from the report are below.

  • Of smartphones in the United States, Android overtook iPhone usage, 46 percent to 39 percent. (In the UK there’s much greater disparity, with the iPhone leading 70 percent ot 13 percent.)
  • The HTC Dream (G1) and Magic (myTouch) made up 96 percent of traffic in September 2009. Seven months later, 11 Android phones make up 96 perecent of AdMob’s traffic.
  • In March, traffic was divided between Android 1.5 (38 percent) Android 2.0/2.1 (35 percent) and Android 1.6 (26 percent).
  • Motorola scored 44 percent of AdMob’s traffic with the Droid and Cliq. HTC had 43 percent of requests; Samsung had 9 percent.
  • AdMob requests from Android phones grew at a compounded rate of 32 percent a month, from 72 million requests in March 2009 to 2 billion in March 2010.

Click for full size image

Please remember that AdMob is in the middle of an acquisition by Google. Also, they have a full disclaimer on the analytic  matrix:

The report is based on the ad requests we receive from our network of more than 15,000 mobile Web sites and iPhone and Android applications. The data contained in the report is a measure of mobile data usage and does not represent the traditional view of market share based on the number of handsets sold.  Our network site composition, product offerings, and business operations all influence the results.

Imagine what kind of first quarter it has been for Steve Jobs: iPad released to tons of fanfare, couldn’t get AdMob acquisition because Google bids higher, closes the deal on Quattro Wireless (their second pick for a mobile ad company for $300 Million), HTC releases the Nexus One and it’s a dandy,  HTC has the Incredible and EVO 4G launching on Verizon and Sprint, engineer leaves a 4th generation prototype iPhone on a bar seat, the dude that found it sells it to Gizmodo – who in turn does a mini review on the phone, now Apple is known to be on the board of REACT – the computer times task-force whom served a search warrant on Giz’s editor and AdMob releases stats showing Android has overtaken iPhone in smartphone requests in the United States. It’s been a busy first quarter and not a fun one to boot.

So if you are interested in learning more information in the report, feel free to peruse the full AdMob report here.

[via AdMod and Android Central]

Android OS on track to own the mobile web market?

Google has been climbing an inch at a time since its debut in 2008. However, since the launch of the Droid, Android has skyrocketed in market and web market share. iPhone leading the way for so many years is finally dwindling when it comes to its lead. This could be due to the fact that everyone and their mothers already have an iPhone and to find new customers isn’t going to be as easy as it was, or it could be because Apple has decided that the OS it launched in 2007 is going to be the final OS it will still be selling to you today in 2010. If Android does take the lead in both Web Market share and global market share, will Apple finally decide a nice UI revamp should be their next move? We can only hope, for their sakes and for ours. Admob always has their web stat summaries so we will keep a close eye on them to see if Android is going to move up that last inch to take the lead before Apple unveils their forthcoming iPhone in June.

[Via Engadget, AdMob]

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