HTC expects to update most of it phones to Android 2.2 by the start of Q3

Now that Android 2.2 has officially arrived on Google’s baby (the Nexus One), we can expect to start hearing news about the release on other phones. Motorola said the Droid will get the update near the end of July and the Droid X will receive it shortly after that. Today Recombu reports that HTC is working hard to get updates out to all of its phones as well.  According to them, HTC will have Android 2.2 for several of their models including Wildfire, Legend, and the Desire by the beginning of quarter 3.  I think it’s safe to bet that this would also include the HTC Aria, EVO, Incredible, and possibly the MyTouch Slide. If HTC could update all its devices by quarter 3, I think the world will be a better place.

[Via Recombu]

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