Charge your EVO with Palm’s Touchstone

The HTC EVO is the latest flagship device on Sprint. Following after the Palm Pre. There is more than likely a chance that a good number of HTC EVO users are coming from a Palm Pre or Pixi. If that is the case, you are in luck. A lot of your accessories will still work on the HTC EVO like the micro USB car charger or standard wall plug. More importantly, the Touchstone charging dock. With a little bit of hacking of course. This eager beaver from the Androidcentral forums went ahead and modified the back cover of his EVO to allow the inductive charging to work. This is one of those do it yourself procedures that is a, “proceed at your own risk” situation. This isn’t supposed to work which is why there is some modifcation needed. Check out the video of this in action after the break. Read more of this post

HTC EVO 4G “Sold Out” on Sprint’s site

In what appears to a good sign for Sprint, the HTC EVO 4G appears to be currently out of stock on the Sprint website. After setting sales records for Sprint, the EVO 4G is not available right away through Sprint’s site. But that’s not the only place where we found it out of stock! WireFly also has a “Ships within 20 days” right on the pic of the EVO 4G. WireFly saves you $10 bucks (for new customers) and gets you free shipping.

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HTC EVO breaks sales record, leaves little memory of the Pre and Instinct

We all knew the EVO 4G launch was going to be big. There was so much hype around this phone it wasn’t even funny. Just to give you an idea of the desire people had for this phone. Do you remember the hype for the HD2? When everyone knew Microsoft was going to launch something bigger and better. Hardware played a huge factor there. Android + HD2 hardware were the key ingredients for causing so much hype with so little advertising. Sprint today announced that the launch of the EVO 4G was a huge success. Despite technical difficulties with Sprint’s activation system, the EVO 4G managed to break the all time sales record for a device on launch day. This record was last held by the Palm Pre in 2009 then the Samsung Instinct before that. The EVO didn’t just break the record though. No of course not, it is much more than that. If you are a WebOS fan you might want to cover your eyes for this one. Sprint sold more EVO’s on day 1, than the Palm Pre and Samsung Instinct sold in their first 3 days combined. You read that right, Palm Pre 3 days of sales and Samsung Instinct 3 days of sales all combined, and the EVO still sold more in just 1 day! There are no specific sales numbers from Sprint, but that alone is enough to make our jaws drop. The Palm Pre launch was a success by many accounts, and though the sales declined, afterward the initial launch was pronounced successful. It looks as though Sprint could finally have the hero phone to help put them in the spotlight after so many years in AT&T and Verizon’s shadow.

[Via Engadget]

[Source Sprint]

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AdFree Work-around For Rooted HTC Evo Users

So, you rooted your HTC Evo, hoping to reap the benefits that the rest of the Android community has long been accustomed to only to find that you can’t write to the /system folder!  What’s that matter you ask?  Well Jimmy, in order to use one of the most fantastic root requiring applications, AdFree, the system user must be able to write to your phone’s host file.  Well, fret you not!  Again, the devs over at XDA have come up with a work around, hit the link for step by step instructions. Read more of this post

HTC EVO 4G over stocked in preparation for launch, still selling out all over

So we know, you might be tired of hearing all the EVO news, but in our defense it is EVO launch day after all. We have been hearing reports of Best Buy, Radio Shack, and Sprint stores selling out of HTC EVO’s. Though the lines were pretty small, there were 1,000’s of pre-orders for both shipment and in store pick up. Sprint made a bold statement recently saying that the HTC EVO had 1000% more pre-orders than their highest pre-ordered device previously sold on Sprint (Palm Pre). Sprint also said that one of their biggest mistakes with the Palm Pre launch last year was that they didn’t have enough supply to meet demand and that really hurt the initial sales they wanted to have out of the gate. They said very specifically that this time around they will NOT make this mistake. Has the increased stock helped? Read more of this post

[How to] Guide to Rooting your Sprint HTC EVO 4G

There is nothing like waking up on a Friday morning to know that a new handset is going to be on sale this glorious day. The Sprint HTC EVO 4G is on sale right now and in honor of the sexy new Sprint 4G device, the first of it’s kind in the United States, we are posting a Root of the HTC EVO that post on Android Central. Hit the break for a full, step by step breakdown on rooting your EVO 4G. Read more of this post

HTC EVO 4G arrives on TV, it’s at the top of the technology chain

HTC is only days away from launching and Sprint is beginning its ad campaign immediately. Tonight on different networks all over the States, Sprint began airing their brand new EVO ad which is actually quite impressive. The ad basically shows leaps in technology and events that lead up to the EVO’s creation. Definitely an intriguing ad and one worth taking the time to watch.

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Sprint’s HTC EVO 4G Pre-Orders up 2000%

Click on pic for full size started taking reservations for the HTC EVO 4G™ late last Friday and the amount of interest in this 4G Smartphone is currently 2000% higher then any previous smartphone ever offered by Sprint, according to Sprint Authorized Online Reseller

The HTC EVO 4G has many innovations not found in any previous phone, and those features include: first 4G Android phone, forward facing camera for 2-way video from phone, ability to turn phone into a WiFi hotspot without a need to purchase a 3G MiFi or 3G/4G OverDrive and many other innovative features.

“I waited in line at the Apple Store when the iPhone 3GS came out last year and from what I have seen so far, this launch and the demand is going to be even larger,” said Michael Ginsberg, President of

[via Mobile Tech News]

HTC EVO will be $199.99 and available on June 4th

Sprint had its big launch party Wednesday and it showed off the power and capabilities the HTC EVO actually have. This phone is the king of all phones right now. It will be launched on June 4th for $199.99. So what is different about this device? Let’s run down some of the uniqueness of this device real quick when compared to other top Android devices after the break…

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Sprint employees start training on HTC EVO 4G [pics]

Screenshots showing Sprint’s EVO 4G training materials have no surfaced thanks to those employees that continue to ignore their non-disclosure agreements. According to our AndroidGuys source, today was the day in which Sprint employees began to train on the new WiMAX HTC EVO 4G phone. We still expect June 6th as the target launch date and can’t wait to get our hands on Sprint’s latest device.

Some key items come packed with the phone:

  • Native Android apps come with the phone (unlike AT&T)
  • Hotspot feature will support WEP and WPA encryption
  • FM radio
  • Google Navigation and Sprint Navigation are both loaded
  • Reset and recovery menus are navigated with volume rocker

[via AndroidGuys]

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