HOLY Jesus! Droid 2 Overclocked To 2.5GHz! Droid X at 2GHz!

Stolen from droidlife.com 😉

You read right.  According to Droidlife, Matt4542 and Joe of Team DeFuse are hard at work making these speeds possible via their custom cooked rom, “Fission”.  I’ve yet to see any official benchmarking at these speeds, so color me skeptical.  Hit the link for information on how you too can get your little phone clocked to hell and back.

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FoneFrenzy podcast #06 featuring Daniel and Anthony

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Droid X running Android 2.2 gets a brief run-through, how-to install it yourself

A leaked version of the Droid X Froyo firmware is out and about. It has everything you would expect. It actually comes pre-installed with Flash version 10.1, it has the JIT built-in, which will make this phone run a little bit faster during CPU intense situations. Also the V8 engine will be built into the browser, which should let you see improved browsing speeds. BGR points out some minor UI differences, such as the main lock screen, but nothing too major. It’s Froyo and that is what’s important. Check out BGR’s brief walk-through of Froyo on the Droid X after the break… Read more of this post

Motorola Droid X screen issue confirmed, Verizon says it is not widespread

Early this week there were reports of screen issues cropping up on the new Motorola Droid X. It looks like some Droid X are getting funny blotches on either the lower half or sometimes even the entire screen. Motorola is referring to this as “flickering or banding” of the screen. The problem seemed to be fairly well known according to support forums, but Verizon said the issue is not widespread and is being corrected. Here is a quote from Verizon and Motorola… Read more of this post

Talking with tnkgrl TWTG #26

It’s time for another podcast (34 min):
– Audio version
– Video version

Once again, Matthew Bennett (Nokia Daily NewsUS Mobile Industry) joined @tnkgrl on tnkgrl mobile while Tony Peric (fone frenzy) edited the video – thanks guys 🙂

Unfortunately, we ran into some problems with the microphone for the first few minutes, so please excuse the poor sound.

This week we covered our Nokia N8 hands-on, the Apple iPhone 4, theMotorola Droid X, the HTC Aria, and the ongoing Galaxy S tsunami!

Other topics include my first post on Engadget, the Nokia E73 (Mode), the LG Sentio, and the Palm Pre Plus, GSM version, amongst other things…

Click here to subscribe to this podcast.

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Motorola takes on Apple, “says you have a voice and you deserve to be heard”

Img via Gizmodo

Motorola loves to poke the beehive that is Apple. They started it back with their iDon’t ads before the original Droid came out. Now it seems they already have some words for those iPhone 4 users who are having antenna issues. Motorola put out an ad in the NYTimes that takes a clear shot at Apple. Here is the quote from the ad: Read more of this post

Droid X now up for Pre-order at Best Buy for $199

Are you a Verizon customer looking at your Sprint buddies touting their EVO 4G screen size and it really pisses you off? Well have no fear, Best Buy is here! Today, Best Buy announced they will begin taking pre-orders for the Motorola Droid X. The Droid X comes with a 4.3″ scratch resistant screen with 16:9 aspect ratio and 854×480 resolution, 1GHz TI OMAP3640 processor, 512MB OF RAM,8GB of ROM, 16GB SD card included and is expandable up to 32GB, 8MP camera that captures 720p HD video (and can be displayed on your home TV or PC in 720P via HDMI out), It comes with 3 microphones,  1570mAh battery, Verizon’s 3G CDMA bands, GPS, Bluetooth, and WiFi, WiFi Mobile hotspot for an additional $20.00 a month, runs Android 2.1 coupled with a new slick version of Motorola’s MotoBlur.

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Motorola Droid 2 spotted on camera

The Motorola Droid 2 is the successor to the Droid 1 obviously, but it looks to be a fairly minor bump. The internals everything is fine and dandy. The Droid 2 is reportedly running on 512MB of RAM, an updated 1Ghz OMAP 3630, and a revamped keyboard. Aside from that we aren’t seeing any huge differences. The design is relatively similar, the camera is the same, and the screen is the same. Definitely a worthy purchase if you haven’t signed a contract for the older Droid, however it is not enough to warrant an upgrade from the original Droid. There may be some surprises in store for us come June 23rd though, so hang tight.

Check out the video of the hardware after the break! Read more of this post

Droid X does higher resolution than Apple’s new retina display? [Update -Verizon says no]

Today Verizon’s Droid X teaser site went live. This is exciting for a number of reasons. Here is why. Back in November of 2009, Motorola introduced the 854×480 screen. It was the first fully capable smartphone that had everything the iPhone, G1, and/or Palm Pre had, as well as a beautiful high-resolution display. At the time everyone was using 480×320 resolution screens. Shortly after you started seeing tons of Android phones coming out with high-resolution displays. The question then became, will Apple finally bump up its resolution on the next generation iPhone? Well, June 7th came and they blew everyone’s mind. They didn’t just catch up to Android’s new standard resolution, they passed it. The iPhone 4 will have a stunning 960×640 resolution screen. The question now is. How long is it going to take one of the many manufacturers to catch up to Apple’s new high? Well according to Verizon, it will happen the day before the actual iPhone goes on sale. According to Verizon’s brand new teaser page, the new Droid X from Motorola is going to have a 720p screen. Yes you heard that correct, 720p! True high-definition resolution on a touchscreen phone. It seems so hard to believe and I feel skeptical, but its hard to disbelieve if Verizon has it on their main teaser page. Look at the imagine above if you too are struggling to believe it. Apple has been out done just a day before their phone is released. Will this be the new standard on Android handsets? Read more of this post

Droid X to be unveiled next week, on sale July 19th?

Droid-Life rocks. I just want to start off by saying that. They have been getting every single early rumor/leak that has anything to do with the up coming Droids. After seeing leaked photo after leaked photo and even seeing the start-up animation, they aren’t done. They want to finish out the rumor mill by giving us an announcement time frame as well as an exact release date. Read more of this post