Android 2.2 begins hitting EVO’s, early adopters minds are at ease

It was true! I know this is so hard to believe because Sense UI has a reputation of late updates, but would you look at that. The Android 2.2 update is beginning to land on devices. According to Engadget, they recently received a handful of tips stating that Android 2.2 has began hitting some of their readers handsets. We haven’t gotten the official OTA on ours yet, but we will definitely shoot up some video once we do. If you have yours already, let us know what you think!

[Via Engadget]

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Who is The King of the Android Phones Buzz?

In what is an unscientific but pretty accurate data-collection poll, Mashable out together some resources to see which of the latest batch of Android phones is most popular on the interwebs. So while pulling data on the most recent Android devices including the Droid X, the HTC Evo, and the HTC Incredible, the report shows statistics that may be an eye opener. Read more of this post

[Video] A Sprint Evo 4G salesman vs. An Apple fanboi – NSFW! Funny Stuff

There is nothing funnier than Android vs. iPhone fans. This little video by TinyWatchProductions puts things into perspective.

[via TechCrunch]

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AdFree Work-around For Rooted HTC Evo Users

So, you rooted your HTC Evo, hoping to reap the benefits that the rest of the Android community has long been accustomed to only to find that you can’t write to the /system folder!  What’s that matter you ask?  Well Jimmy, in order to use one of the most fantastic root requiring applications, AdFree, the system user must be able to write to your phone’s host file.  Well, fret you not!  Again, the devs over at XDA have come up with a work around, hit the link for step by step instructions. Read more of this post

HTC EVO 4G over stocked in preparation for launch, still selling out all over

So we know, you might be tired of hearing all the EVO news, but in our defense it is EVO launch day after all. We have been hearing reports of Best Buy, Radio Shack, and Sprint stores selling out of HTC EVO’s. Though the lines were pretty small, there were 1,000’s of pre-orders for both shipment and in store pick up. Sprint made a bold statement recently saying that the HTC EVO had 1000% more pre-orders than their highest pre-ordered device previously sold on Sprint (Palm Pre). Sprint also said that one of their biggest mistakes with the Palm Pre launch last year was that they didn’t have enough supply to meet demand and that really hurt the initial sales they wanted to have out of the gate. They said very specifically that this time around they will NOT make this mistake. Has the increased stock helped? Read more of this post

HTC EVO price upgrading and/or without contract revealed

The HTC EVO is just days away from launching on Sprint as this summers flagship Sprint device. Until now, we have really only been told about the new 2 year contract pricing on the HTC EVO. The EVO will be $199.99 on a 2 year contract after a mail-in rebate. But what about off contract? Read more of this post

[Video] Sprint HTC EVO 4G gets Android 2.2 Froyo

Thanks to the devs over at XDA for making this possible. Toastcfh an XDA user has posted a video of an HTC EVO 4G running Android 2.2 (Froyo). Now we do know so far the some features aren’t fully available (of course). So follow XDA the forums if you are open to rooting and want to see 2.2 running on your phone. Or you could just wait for it to become official.

[via The Gadgets]

[Video How To] Tethering the Sprint HTC EVO 4G for Free

Not quite ready to pay an additional $29.99 to tether your Sprint EVO 4G while Nexus One owners currently have the ability to do the same thing for free? Well, rest your brain and sit back, grab a cup of coffee and learn how to tether your new EVO 4G using PdaNet from the Sprint Android Market. It just a few simple clicks, you’ll be tethered to your hearts content in a matter of minutes.

Note: we do not condone using your phone as a tethered hotspot device AND you may incur additional data charges from your carrier.

[via android and me]

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HTC EVO will be $199.99 and available on June 4th

Sprint had its big launch party Wednesday and it showed off the power and capabilities the HTC EVO actually have. This phone is the king of all phones right now. It will be launched on June 4th for $199.99. So what is different about this device? Let’s run down some of the uniqueness of this device real quick when compared to other top Android devices after the break…

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Sprint gives you a chance to win the HTC EVO 4G and a trip to a 4G city too

Being a Sprint Premiere member sure does come in handy when upgrading a phone early or getting notices via email like the one above. This means that Sprint Premiere members will get the opportunity to receive a brand new Sprint flagship handset, the HTC EVO 4G. Contestants will have to write a minimum 150 essay on what you can do fast. Ten semi-finalists will be chosen to receive the HTC EVO 4G for free and one year of service. Also, other contestants will be chosen to visit one of four Sprint 4G enabled cities include Maui (my choice!), Chicago, Las Vegas and Houston.