White HTC EVO 4G arrives at Best Buy

Looks like Best Buy is having quite the day, after launching there Best Buy Connect service, they have an exclusive phone that can go with that. The White HTC EVO 4G is the same as its black counterpart but you can only get this color at any Best Buy store. It is not suppose to go on sale until July 11th to those who pre-ordered but Engadget got a couple shots of it and it does look pretty good in white. Anyone who pre-ordered should call up there Best Buy and see if they will be nice to let it go a little early. Couple more shots of it after the break. Read more of this post

HTC quarterly profits higher than expected

HTC is one of the biggest contributors to the Android platform and they are proving it is worth their while. HTC’s quarterly profits just came out and HTC has done quite well. So well in fact, they were able to exceed their own already high expectations for how they would do this year. They previously predicted $1.6 billion in revenue and have exceeded that at $1.88 billion in revenue. This can no doubt be attributed to Android. HTC has been a big proponent of Android and Windows Mobile. Ever since Android 2.0 and some of HTC’s new higher end devices with their Sense UI, they are starting to make a big name for themselves in the consumer space. Can they continue this trend? It is quite possible the iPhone 4, a possible new WebOS device, and the slew of new Blackberries on the way could cut these profits. On the other hand, with the new HTC EVO, the still sold out HTC Incredible, and the cute and cuddly HTC Aria, sales could be even higher.

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HTC expects to update most of it phones to Android 2.2 by the start of Q3

Now that Android 2.2 has officially arrived on Google’s baby (the Nexus One), we can expect to start hearing news about the release on other phones. Motorola said the Droid will get the update near the end of July and the Droid X will receive it shortly after that. Today Recombu reports that HTC is working hard to get updates out to all of its phones as well.  According to them, HTC will have Android 2.2 for several of their models including Wildfire, Legend, and the Desire by the beginning of quarter 3.  I think it’s safe to bet that this would also include the HTC Aria, EVO, Incredible, and possibly the MyTouch Slide. If HTC could update all its devices by quarter 3, I think the world will be a better place.

[Via Recombu]

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One click Roots your Sprint HTC EVO 4G

If you can’t stand complicated roots of phones and happen to be a lucky owner of the Sprint HTC EVO 4G you’re in new app called SimpleRoot. XDA forums members Mast3rpyr0 and jiqqaman have conjured up the ultimate simpler, full root access for your EVO 4G. This version offers you full write access to/system from within Android. The single GUI app has a three button interface: Root, Unlock Nand and Flash Recovery. So what are you waiting for? Head on over to the XDA Dev forums and get your r00t on! Hit the break for more info and vids.

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Sprint EVO 4G to get Android 2.2 soon

Sprint users won’t have to wait too long to get Android Froyo 2.2. According to the Sprint website post, EVO users can expect to see the upgrade in a short amount of time. The next update will show some new UI improvements, improved browser performance and Flash 10.x support.

As work on finalizing the software is under way, Sprint expects to launch Android 2.2 in the near future. It also will be available as an upgrade on the recently launched HTC EVO 4G.

With the Android 2.2 upgrade, customers can expect improvements to include the following benefits: updates to user interface, improved EAS Support, improved browser performance, including Flash 10x Support, voice dialing over Bluetooth and application storage on external memory.

[via Sprint thru Engadget]

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HTC EVO 4G loses 30fps video limit; gets 802.11n WiFi

Oh EVO. How you make me so happy. Not only are you big and beautiful but you keep the devs busy. HTC shipped the EVO 4G with a cap on the graphic output. Now devs decided to take things into their own hands and uncap that little snafu. The guys at xda-developers decided to get their coding mitts on and pump out the needed lines to remove this limit.

Also, HTC didn’t allow 802.11n WiFi when the EVO 4G was shipped. Again, xda-developers decided to give this puppy the needed code to enable EVO to use the band. So if you’re interested in doing both to your EVO, hit the break for videos and links on how to enable both features on your EVO 4G. Read more of this post

Pimp out your HTC EVO 4G with Carbon Fiber look

Oh ya! Feel like showing off that new EVO 4G you just got from Sprint but want to ‘pimp’ it out some more? Then head on over to XDA-dev forum and check out the post by Hrshycro. He has put together an excellent post with a how-to pimp out your EVO 4G using Carbon Fiber film. It’s cost you $20 bucks but hey, it’s worth it isn’t it? You only need a few items:

  1. You’ll need the sample of Carbon Fiber from carbonfiberfilm.com
  2. An X-acto knife with new blade
  3. Hair dryer

[via XDAdev forums]

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HTC EVO in White to get exclusive through Best Buy

Best Buy is going to be the exclusive retailer of the HTC EVO 4G in a brilliant color White. According to an anonymous tipster over at Engadget, Best Buy will get the new color on July 11th, with Sprint retail to get them around August 8th. Pre-orders started today, June 19th. So if the black EVO wasn’t your cup of tea, now is the time to make the jump get your White EVO 4G on!

[via Engadget]

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Charge your EVO with Palm’s Touchstone

The HTC EVO is the latest flagship device on Sprint. Following after the Palm Pre. There is more than likely a chance that a good number of HTC EVO users are coming from a Palm Pre or Pixi. If that is the case, you are in luck. A lot of your accessories will still work on the HTC EVO like the micro USB car charger or standard wall plug. More importantly, the Touchstone charging dock. With a little bit of hacking of course. This eager beaver from the Androidcentral forums went ahead and modified the back cover of his EVO to allow the inductive charging to work. This is one of those do it yourself procedures that is a, “proceed at your own risk” situation. This isn’t supposed to work which is why there is some modifcation needed. Check out the video of this in action after the break. Read more of this post

Droid X exposed, then seen with 3GS, Droid Eris, and EVO 4G

The Droid X has now been show in it true colors in these pictures from Gadget University. The unannounced phone is the next phone in line with the Droid 2 and from these pictures, it looks like it is going to be great. Check out the specs and pictures comparing it to the EVO 4G and other phones after the break!

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