Sprint: 4G hits Los Angeles on December 1st (other cities to follow soon?)

According to a Tweet on Twitter, Sprint is going to be lighting up the L.A., California scene with 4G on December 1st. In addition, I am able to personally confirm that Sprint is indeed testing 4G in Sacramento, California as well. From what I have been seeing on speed tests lately, Sprint has a huge advantage over Verizon at this point with it’s WiMax speedy service. So brace yourselves L.A., you are about to get some serious data speeds on your 4G enabled Epic or Evo handset.

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Samsung Epic 4G releases August 31st, $249.99 new contract

Sprint has announced the release date on its second 4G phone, the Samsung Epic 4G. The powerhouse Android phone will release August 31st for $249.99 with a new contract or eligible upgrade. Pre-orders will begin tomorrow as well. I am a big fan of the slide-out QWERTY keyboard so I am definitely interested in this bad boy, but I am still waiting for some 4G coverage in New Jersey even though I know Sprint turns 4G on and off in New York City. Sprint has also put up a video comparing the Epic 4G and EVO pointing out the differences for anyone trying to make a decision. Video and Press Release after the break. Read more of this post

Android 2.2 begins hitting EVO’s, early adopters minds are at ease

It was true! I know this is so hard to believe because Sense UI has a reputation of late updates, but would you look at that. The Android 2.2 update is beginning to land on devices. According to Engadget, they recently received a handful of tips stating that Android 2.2 has began hitting some of their readers handsets. We haven’t gotten the official OTA on ours yet, but we will definitely shoot up some video once we do. If you have yours already, let us know what you think!

[Via Engadget]

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Who is The King of the Android Phones Buzz?

In what is an unscientific but pretty accurate data-collection poll, Mashable out together some resources to see which of the latest batch of Android phones is most popular on the interwebs. So while pulling data on the most recent Android devices including the Droid X, the HTC Evo, and the HTC Incredible, the report shows statistics that may be an eye opener. Read more of this post

HTC Ace to sport Android 3.0; launching soon?

Can we get another Android/HTC rumor going? We sure can! According to a post by Tracy and Matt blog, a new HTC built, Android based handset is about to make it’s debut sometime in the very near future. But this won’t just be another Android device, but according to the post, this HTC will be sporting Android 3.0 or otherwise known as Gingerbread. One of their unrelated sources posed the question:

Question: What do you get if you cross the HTC Evo with the HTC Incredible?

Answer: The HTC Ace!

So at the very least, we can probably expect a 4.0″ + super AMOLED touchscreen, powered by a dual-core snapdragon CPU, supporting the latest Android build of 3.0, GPS and 8 MP camera. Other tidbits are unknown, but we can imagine that this will end up be another bar-setting device for all other handsets to try and match.

[via tracyandmatt.co.uk]

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HTC quarterly profits higher than expected

HTC is one of the biggest contributors to the Android platform and they are proving it is worth their while. HTC’s quarterly profits just came out and HTC has done quite well. So well in fact, they were able to exceed their own already high expectations for how they would do this year. They previously predicted $1.6 billion in revenue and have exceeded that at $1.88 billion in revenue. This can no doubt be attributed to Android. HTC has been a big proponent of Android and Windows Mobile. Ever since Android 2.0 and some of HTC’s new higher end devices with their Sense UI, they are starting to make a big name for themselves in the consumer space. Can they continue this trend? It is quite possible the iPhone 4, a possible new WebOS device, and the slew of new Blackberries on the way could cut these profits. On the other hand, with the new HTC EVO, the still sold out HTC Incredible, and the cute and cuddly HTC Aria, sales could be even higher.

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HTC EVO 4G loses 30fps video limit; gets 802.11n WiFi

Oh EVO. How you make me so happy. Not only are you big and beautiful but you keep the devs busy. HTC shipped the EVO 4G with a cap on the graphic output. Now devs decided to take things into their own hands and uncap that little snafu. The guys at xda-developers decided to get their coding mitts on and pump out the needed lines to remove this limit.

Also, HTC didn’t allow 802.11n WiFi when the EVO 4G was shipped. Again, xda-developers decided to give this puppy the needed code to enable EVO to use the band. So if you’re interested in doing both to your EVO, hit the break for videos and links on how to enable both features on your EVO 4G. Read more of this post

HTC EVO 4G “Sold Out” on Sprint’s site

In what appears to a good sign for Sprint, the HTC EVO 4G appears to be currently out of stock on the Sprint website. After setting sales records for Sprint, the EVO 4G is not available right away through Sprint’s site. But that’s not the only place where we found it out of stock! WireFly also has a “Ships within 20 days” right on the pic of the EVO 4G. WireFly saves you $10 bucks (for new customers) and gets you free shipping.

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HTC EVO breaks sales record, leaves little memory of the Pre and Instinct

We all knew the EVO 4G launch was going to be big. There was so much hype around this phone it wasn’t even funny. Just to give you an idea of the desire people had for this phone. Do you remember the hype for the HD2? When everyone knew Microsoft was going to launch something bigger and better. Hardware played a huge factor there. Android + HD2 hardware were the key ingredients for causing so much hype with so little advertising. Sprint today announced that the launch of the EVO 4G was a huge success. Despite technical difficulties with Sprint’s activation system, the EVO 4G managed to break the all time sales record for a device on launch day. This record was last held by the Palm Pre in 2009 then the Samsung Instinct before that. The EVO didn’t just break the record though. No of course not, it is much more than that. If you are a WebOS fan you might want to cover your eyes for this one. Sprint sold more EVO’s on day 1, than the Palm Pre and Samsung Instinct sold in their first 3 days combined. You read that right, Palm Pre 3 days of sales and Samsung Instinct 3 days of sales all combined, and the EVO still sold more in just 1 day! There are no specific sales numbers from Sprint, but that alone is enough to make our jaws drop. The Palm Pre launch was a success by many accounts, and though the sales declined, afterward the initial launch was pronounced successful. It looks as though Sprint could finally have the hero phone to help put them in the spotlight after so many years in AT&T and Verizon’s shadow.

[Via Engadget]

[Source Sprint]

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AdFree Work-around For Rooted HTC Evo Users

So, you rooted your HTC Evo, hoping to reap the benefits that the rest of the Android community has long been accustomed to only to find that you can’t write to the /system folder!  What’s that matter you ask?  Well Jimmy, in order to use one of the most fantastic root requiring applications, AdFree, the system user must be able to write to your phone’s host file.  Well, fret you not!  Again, the devs over at XDA have come up with a work around, hit the link for step by step instructions. Read more of this post