HTC EVO 4G: Froyo comes with hidden features

There a few hidden features that aren’t listed on the Sprint EVO 4G Froyo 2.2 update. These hidden features may be useful to some and to others, not at all.

  • Android Market interface
  • Screen rotation is now possible in both directions
  • You can copy text from emails (using the standard Gmail app): go to “menu,” select “more,” and there’s an option to select text. Position the cursor where you want, and press and hold to copy to the clipboard
  • Camcorder app now encodes video inH.264, not just MPEG4 or H.263
  • Handset now supports Hebrew font
  • Eight active icons instead of the six when holding down the home button

[via USA News Week]

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[Video] Sprint HTC EVO 4G vs. T-Mobile HTC HD2 side by side comparison

A new video posted by the guys over at WireFly shows a side by side comparison between the Sprint HTC EVO 4G and the T-Mobile HTC HD2. The video is about 14 minutes long but gives you a great look at these two great HTC handsets – but the EVO seems to out-do the HD2 in several ways.

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[How to] Guide to Rooting your Sprint HTC EVO 4G

There is nothing like waking up on a Friday morning to know that a new handset is going to be on sale this glorious day. The Sprint HTC EVO 4G is on sale right now and in honor of the sexy new Sprint 4G device, the first of it’s kind in the United States, we are posting a Root of the HTC EVO that post on Android Central. Hit the break for a full, step by step breakdown on rooting your EVO 4G. Read more of this post

HTC EVO price upgrading and/or without contract revealed

The HTC EVO is just days away from launching on Sprint as this summers flagship Sprint device. Until now, we have really only been told about the new 2 year contract pricing on the HTC EVO. The EVO will be $199.99 on a 2 year contract after a mail-in rebate. But what about off contract? Read more of this post

[Video] Sprint HTC EVO 4G gets Android 2.2 Froyo

Thanks to the devs over at XDA for making this possible. Toastcfh an XDA user has posted a video of an HTC EVO 4G running Android 2.2 (Froyo). Now we do know so far the some features aren’t fully available (of course). So follow XDA the forums if you are open to rooting and want to see 2.2 running on your phone. Or you could just wait for it to become official.

[via The Gadgets]

[Video How To] Tethering the Sprint HTC EVO 4G for Free

Not quite ready to pay an additional $29.99 to tether your Sprint EVO 4G while Nexus One owners currently have the ability to do the same thing for free? Well, rest your brain and sit back, grab a cup of coffee and learn how to tether your new EVO 4G using PdaNet from the Sprint Android Market. It just a few simple clicks, you’ll be tethered to your hearts content in a matter of minutes.

Note: we do not condone using your phone as a tethered hotspot device AND you may incur additional data charges from your carrier.

[via android and me]

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Sprint’s HTC EVO 4G Pre-Orders up 2000%

Click on pic for full size started taking reservations for the HTC EVO 4G™ late last Friday and the amount of interest in this 4G Smartphone is currently 2000% higher then any previous smartphone ever offered by Sprint, according to Sprint Authorized Online Reseller

The HTC EVO 4G has many innovations not found in any previous phone, and those features include: first 4G Android phone, forward facing camera for 2-way video from phone, ability to turn phone into a WiFi hotspot without a need to purchase a 3G MiFi or 3G/4G OverDrive and many other innovative features.

“I waited in line at the Apple Store when the iPhone 3GS came out last year and from what I have seen so far, this launch and the demand is going to be even larger,” said Michael Ginsberg, President of

[via Mobile Tech News]