White EVO 4G to grace Sprint? Yes!

Sprint users no longer have to purchase the EVO 4G dressed up in white from Best Buy any longer. Sprint is beginning to receive these White EVO 4G handsets in corporate stores. So what are you waiting for? Go get your EVO 4G action on!

Review: Sprint’s HTC EVO 4G in daily use

Sprint’s EVO 4G is the company’s first flagship Android 4G device. This is not the phone for those of you that are looking for a smaller device; you may just want to move along now. But for those of you ready to fork over your hard earned money for an Android handset, the EVO4G comes packed with pretty much everything imaginable: 1Ghz Qualcomm 8650 SnapDragon processor, 4.3″ LCD 480×800, 512MB RAM, 8 MP main camera capturing 720p video with another 1.3 MP front facing camera, 4G and 4G bands, FM Radio, TV out HDMI and a 1500mAh battery.  Arguably, we feel that this is still one of best phones on the market today; hence why Sprint can’t seem to keep them in stock. We tested this phone on a daily basis and I personally used it as my main line for an extensive period of time. Hit the break to read the entire review. Read more of this post

Sprint’s HTC EVO 4G Android Froyo 2.2 now ready for your downloads

Got a Sprint HTC EVO 4G? Been waiting for Android 2.2? You don’t need to wait any further. If you don’t mind performing a self-install, you can head on over to the update link, download the latest version HTC’s and drop this puppy on your phone.

Instructions a relatively simple (I’m doing this as I post): drop the .zip file to the root directory on your SD card.

  1. Download the Android 2.2 firmware update DOWNLOAD LINK
  2. Rename the file “update.zip” (make sure you don’t accidentally name it update.zip.ZIP).
  3. Move the zip file to the root directory of your EVO’s SD card.
  4. Shut down your phone and restart it in recovery mode by holding volume “DOWN BUTTON” while powering up the device.
  5. Select Recovery Mode.
  6. Hold the volume Up button and Power
  7. Select “apply update.zip”

[Update] Looks like Android police and HTC for that matter are getting a ton of hits. Just keep trying and they should be back up in no time. I also posted a link for the file I just uploaded. This was direct from the HTC url I grabbed before the servers crashed.

[Update 2] Here is another mirror for the file.

[via Engadget thru Android Police]

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Sprint EVO 4G to get Android 2.2 soon

Sprint users won’t have to wait too long to get Android Froyo 2.2. According to the Sprint website post, EVO users can expect to see the upgrade in a short amount of time. The next update will show some new UI improvements, improved browser performance and Flash 10.x support.

As work on finalizing the software is under way, Sprint expects to launch Android 2.2 in the near future. It also will be available as an upgrade on the recently launched HTC EVO 4G.

With the Android 2.2 upgrade, customers can expect improvements to include the following benefits: updates to user interface, improved EAS Support, improved browser performance, including Flash 10x Support, voice dialing over Bluetooth and application storage on external memory.

[via Sprint thru Engadget]

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HTC EVO 4G loses 30fps video limit; gets 802.11n WiFi

Oh EVO. How you make me so happy. Not only are you big and beautiful but you keep the devs busy. HTC shipped the EVO 4G with a cap on the graphic output. Now devs decided to take things into their own hands and uncap that little snafu. The guys at xda-developers decided to get their coding mitts on and pump out the needed lines to remove this limit.

Also, HTC didn’t allow 802.11n WiFi when the EVO 4G was shipped. Again, xda-developers decided to give this puppy the needed code to enable EVO to use the band. So if you’re interested in doing both to your EVO, hit the break for videos and links on how to enable both features on your EVO 4G. Read more of this post

HTC EVO in White to get exclusive through Best Buy

Best Buy is going to be the exclusive retailer of the HTC EVO 4G in a brilliant color White. According to an anonymous tipster over at Engadget, Best Buy will get the new color on July 11th, with Sprint retail to get them around August 8th. Pre-orders started today, June 19th. So if the black EVO wasn’t your cup of tea, now is the time to make the jump get your White EVO 4G on!

[via Engadget]

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Side by Side Breakdown: iPhone 4 vs. EVO 4G

Well today was a busy day (and a little embarrasing) for Apple. Not only did their WiFi service not work during one of their demonstrations, but most of the glory of the iPhone had already been outed by Gizmodo. In return for ruining their iPhone 4 glorious debut, Gizmo wasn’t invited to this year’s WWDC.

But that is neither head nor there, what is great is that the iPhone 4 is official, has some cool goodies and coming out at the end of June! So for all of you needing the latest greatest handset from Apple, your wait is only a little while longer. For those of you who’ve already read the specs on the site or blogs, you may still be considering the one alternative to iPhone 4; the HTC EVO 4G. In my honest opinion, I love the design of Apple’s new iPhone 4 but I feel that several items are lackluster to suit my personal taste. #1 no flash. Sorry Apple, but I want to be able to view flash, like when I was at the dentist office earlier today for a check up and while waiting for my Doctor, I was watching a walk-through of the new iPhone 4 on viddler. I sure couldn’t do that on the new iPhone 4. #2 Cost. It is going to cost me an arm and leg, close to $120-$150 per month, to get the same service I can get from Sprint (with unlimited data + free mobile to mobile calling) for under $90 per month, with tax. According to BillShrink, it would cost me almost $600 more over a two year period and that doesn’t include the fact that AT&T will not have unlimited data any longer.

So to each his own. I love the look at extras the new iPhone 4 comes with but I also know that there will be even better Android based handsets, that are far more open, get updated more frequently and in several ways are superior to iPhone 4 in a few key areas. Then again, the iPhone 4 new screen resolution, addition of a gyroscope (which opens up all kind of app possibilities, Flash drive, talk time (quoted not actually tested, but Apple is usually good about their testing quotes), an AppStore which is far superior than anyones and A4 processor are a pretty compelling reason to get the iPhone 4. So this boils down to your personal preference. If I had an extra $600 a year, I would probably get an iPhone 4 too. My recommendation, get the phone you wan and works for you the best – because you’ll probably be a whole lot happier than listening to tech blogs or your fanboy friends.

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[Video] Sprint HTC EVO 4G vs. T-Mobile HTC HD2 side by side comparison

A new video posted by the guys over at WireFly shows a side by side comparison between the Sprint HTC EVO 4G and the T-Mobile HTC HD2. The video is about 14 minutes long but gives you a great look at these two great HTC handsets – but the EVO seems to out-do the HD2 in several ways.

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[How to] Guide to Rooting your Sprint HTC EVO 4G

There is nothing like waking up on a Friday morning to know that a new handset is going to be on sale this glorious day. The Sprint HTC EVO 4G is on sale right now and in honor of the sexy new Sprint 4G device, the first of it’s kind in the United States, we are posting a Root of the HTC EVO that post on Android Central. Hit the break for a full, step by step breakdown on rooting your EVO 4G. Read more of this post

[Video] Sprint HTC EVO 4G gets Android 2.2 Froyo

Thanks to the devs over at XDA for making this possible. Toastcfh an XDA user has posted a video of an HTC EVO 4G running Android 2.2 (Froyo). Now we do know so far the some features aren’t fully available (of course). So follow XDA the forums if you are open to rooting and want to see 2.2 running on your phone. Or you could just wait for it to become official.

[via The Gadgets]