[Rumor] Samsung to announce Galaxy S 2 devices at MWC?

Despite the “rumor” classification, it’s a pretty safe bet to assume that Samsung will in fact be releasing the next iteration of it’s exceedingly popular Galaxy S line of smart phones at this year’s Mobile World Congress. The upgrade, according to the KoreaHerald, is expected to include the new SuperAMOLED Plus display, Google Android 2.3, and a dual-core SoC to top it all off . No word on whether this will be a dual-core version of Samsung’s sexy Hummingbird platform, or something altogether new. Hit the jump for some quotes directly from Shin Jong-kyun, alpha dog in the Samsung mobile division.

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Samsung Epic 4G releases August 31st, $249.99 new contract

Sprint has announced the release date on its second 4G phone, the Samsung Epic 4G. The powerhouse Android phone will release August 31st for $249.99 with a new contract or eligible upgrade. Pre-orders will begin tomorrow as well. I am a big fan of the slide-out QWERTY keyboard so I am definitely interested in this bad boy, but I am still waiting for some 4G coverage in New Jersey even though I know Sprint turns 4G on and off in New York City. Sprint has also put up a video comparing the Epic 4G and EVO pointing out the differences for anyone trying to make a decision. Video and Press Release after the break. Read more of this post

Fall Sprint 4G device lineup; includes HP-Palm webOS 4″ 720p 4G handset and more Android flavors?

Since the acquisition of Palm, HP has been busy behind the scenes cutting staff at Palm and keeping absolute mum about the webOS handset platform. Although we have heard about the PalmPad which runs webOS, which is rumored have the ability to recognize a wacom pen while functioning as a capacitive touchscreen. But what about webOS on a handset carrier configuration? Does Sprint ring a bell? Read more of this post

Sprint roadmap shows 4G locations and Android phones

Looks like the party kicks off on July 11th at Sprint. A leaked roadmap shows us two new Android handsets. The Motorola i1, which we already reported it’s heading to Boost Mobile too and the Samsung Intercept M910, previously been called the Moment 2. The Samsung Intercept is an Android 2.1 handset, full QWERTY keyboard, touchscreen display, Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth and 3.5mm headphone jack.

Also in the shot is the release of more 4G cities. Why Visalia  and Merced, California were chosen to be among the first few cities for the Golden State, I have no clue whatsoever, as I seriously believe that not many EVO 4Gs were sold in either city. But the good news is that there are new cities released and from what we could gather of the screenshot, here is the list below:

  • Merced, California
  • Rochester, New York
  • Eugene, Oregon
  • Syracuse, New York
  • Tri-cities ares of Washington (Kennewick, Richland and Pasco)
  • Visalia, California
  • Yakima, Washington
  • Grand Rapids, Michigan
[via BGR]

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HTC EVO price upgrading and/or without contract revealed

The HTC EVO is just days away from launching on Sprint as this summers flagship Sprint device. Until now, we have really only been told about the new 2 year contract pricing on the HTC EVO. The EVO will be $199.99 on a 2 year contract after a mail-in rebate. But what about off contract? Read more of this post

[Video] Sprint HTC EVO 4G gets Android 2.2 Froyo

Thanks to the devs over at XDA for making this possible. Toastcfh an XDA user has posted a video of an HTC EVO 4G running Android 2.2 (Froyo). Now we do know so far the some features aren’t fully available (of course). So follow XDA the forums if you are open to rooting and want to see 2.2 running on your phone. Or you could just wait for it to become official.

[via The Gadgets]

[Video How To] Tethering the Sprint HTC EVO 4G for Free

Not quite ready to pay an additional $29.99 to tether your Sprint EVO 4G while Nexus One owners currently have the ability to do the same thing for free? Well, rest your brain and sit back, grab a cup of coffee and learn how to tether your new EVO 4G using PdaNet from the Sprint Android Market. It just a few simple clicks, you’ll be tethered to your hearts content in a matter of minutes.

Note: we do not condone using your phone as a tethered hotspot device AND you may incur additional data charges from your carrier.

[via android and me]

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Sprint employees start training on HTC EVO 4G [pics]

Screenshots showing Sprint’s EVO 4G training materials have no surfaced thanks to those employees that continue to ignore their non-disclosure agreements. According to our AndroidGuys source, today was the day in which Sprint employees began to train on the new WiMAX HTC EVO 4G phone. We still expect June 6th as the target launch date and can’t wait to get our hands on Sprint’s latest device.

Some key items come packed with the phone:

  • Native Android apps come with the phone (unlike AT&T)
  • Hotspot feature will support WEP and WPA encryption
  • FM radio
  • Google Navigation and Sprint Navigation are both loaded
  • Reset and recovery menus are navigated with volume rocker

[via AndroidGuys]

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Sprint HTC EVO 4G pre-orders starting soon at Radio Shack; hits Sprint in June

According to leaked screen shots, Radio Shack is going to start taking pre-orders for Sprint’s latest Android powered and first 4G phone, the HTC EVO 4G. But if you are a Sprint customer already and a premier member ready for an upgrade (like me), you can get your EVO on June 6th!

The image also lists some of the specs we already knew about the EVO. The device will run the Android 2.1 OS, use a 4.3-inch TFT LCD screen with a resolution of 480×800 and uses a 1GHz Snapdragon processor. The handset also has 512MB of RAM, an 8-megapixel camera, and a 1.3-megapixel front facing camera for video conferencing. Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, mobile HDTV, and HDMI output will be featured along with a microSD card slot for storage.

But then again, if you are Oprah, you may already have your in hand:

Sprint WiMAX 4G Network Shown; HTC EVO 4G Handled

Owings Mills, Maryland – CNN demonstrated the new Sprint 4G WiMAX network and best part of it was the demo of the forthcoming HTC EVO4G handset, Sprint’s official first 4g handset. What’s the interesting part is the massive size difference between the 4G and the 3G network. Also, it is interesting to note how Sprint’s 4G WiMax is over-layed on top of the existing network infrastructure. But the best part of the video is the demonstration of the HTC EVO 4G. Watch the CNN video below.

[via CNN]

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